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Everything posted by Daitana

  1. I worded that terribly, my bad. What I meant was those two controllers (xBox/Playstation) do not work with PRO unless you use xpadder.
  2. So I found this today, thoughts?
  3. I just don't think the game needs it. The retro feel is perfect, it's exactly what it needs to be.
  4. Use the search function. At least make an effort. The guides sub-forum has plenty.
  5. You can, but from my experience you can only use PS4/xBox360 controllers with a program called xpadder.
  6. Yo~ A recent one of myself :3 Myself a couple of years ago, this picture got me insta-famous. Fiance and I! Us again :3
  7. The game is still very fresh, of course customization will expand with the game, that is pretty much a given. There are just way more important things to fix and move forward with than hairstyles, clothing etc. I'm sure the artist team already has plenty of plans.
  8. There are plenty of lists, just check the guide forums.
  9. Do any items in the game trade when you double click them? When you double clicked it the first time it activated it didn't it? Sure, a warning upon use would be a handy safeguard, but in the end why should they give you it back for your mistake? Name any game ever that would replace an item you misused?
  10. I'd say no. This isn't a MOBA. Tournaments held can set restrictions themselves so there's no point. And if you have a personal issue with battling you yourself can set them beforehand. It's just not needed.
  11. You still don't get dig until you are up to Vermillion at least. And would need over 50% happiness with the Poke, which requires grinding in itself. He said he can't afford Pokeballs, which he would only need a couple thousand for. So with all the information given I would put him around the one badge mark. Leaving all options provided by you unavailable.
  12. If he's so broke I imagine he's not far enough in the game for any of the above. I suggest just grinding Pokemon at the best place available. It shouldn't take too long.
  13. Unlikely, it was a human error. It's a known fact to trade you attach items to Pokes. Just have to live and learn.
  14. This probably won't happen. In the future (hopefully the near future) we will be adding an Auction House to the game which will allow users to buy/sell Pokemon that way. I think this would somewhat address your concern because users wouldn't need to keep Pokemon in their party to access this. Ahh, an AH would definitely do the job. Cheers.
  15. I noticed you cannot link PC Pokemon, with the current linking formula I get why it isn't possible. But I think it would be a worthy addition down the line.
  16. Haha, thanks. It's good to see some old faces! It's bee quite a few years!
  17. I do almost the same, there's no rush to beat the game. Do it your way at your own pace.
  18. The game isn't made for bluestacks. Bluestacks itself is basically an emulator which add it's own compatibility issues as any other app may have while running on it. I find it unlikely you'll get any support since it has nothing to do with how it runs on android itself.
  19. Maybe you should say which controllers are supported? Since ps3 and xbox don't seem to work.
  20. It really doesn't work though, my controller does nothing unless I use xpadder. I use the xbox 360 one and the character will always run in one direction, the left analog works but no other buttons do.
  21. All the time, we also use years 1-12 in Aus. This forum is full of kids who want want want and only complain. The lack of appreciated really pepper's my angus.
  22. 27, but still look 18. Loved Pokemon since I was like 9.
  23. Then you only get membership. You spent your coins.
  24. $5 = 100 coins Membership = 100 coins $5 = Membership 100 coins + Membership = $10 Did you donate $5 or $10
  25. This should be in the donation issues section, also did you donate $10? Membership is 100 coins, which is $5. So if you only donated $5 you only get 100c or membership. Not both.
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