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Everything posted by Myhappyending

  1. nice one :P but good luck at this price.
  2. no @zAlighTz it's yours. try pm me discord or ingame. Thx
  3. https://gyazo.com/0e0acc41d2ae90827545eb6b3336ec56 accepted INSTA. @xDastan sorry sold
  4. hi i start offer cofa 1
  5. Welcome To my Personal Shop Rules: 1. I accept pokedollars $ / capsule coins = 250k 2. On the most pokes I made a useable Moveset which cost's normally 30-60k keep that on mind for the endprice. (sometimes pp up's too) 3. Why you should Instabuy? It means that poke is 100% yours! Instabuy means its your poke exactly on that time you write it down and you get the poke asap(as soon as possible) without waiting any more days. & no more offers of any other people. 4. If you offer on a Pokemon -> after 7 days it is yours! (if no one outbid's you here or ingame). Contacts: ingame: Myhappyending or Discord: MyHappyEnding#3599 please try to contact me there if you bought any Pokemon or have future questions. Thanks! Sit Back, Relax and take your time shopping! Avalugg s.o 300k | insta 500k Empoleon s.o 1,2m| insta 1,6m Lapras s.o 250k | insta 350k Nidoqueen s.o 1,5m | Insta 2m Pyroar s.o 200k | insta 300k Arcanine s.o 250k | insta 350k Tyrantrum s.o 150k | insta 200k Sylveon s.o 150k | insta 250k Donphan s.o 400k | insta 500k Aggron s.o 250k | insta 350k Archeops s.o 200k | insta 300k Marowak s.o 250k | insta 350k Houndoom s.o 150k | insta 200k Gastrodon s.o 700k | insta 1m Dragalge s.o 300k | insta 500k Politoed s.o 250k | insta 350k Vaporeon s.o 300k | insta 400k Blastoise s.o 300k | insta 400k Goodra s.o 350k | insta 500k Honchkrow s.o 250k | insta 350k Venusaur s.o 300k | insta 400k Slowking s.o 300k | insta 400k Chesnaught s.o 200k | insta 300k Magnezone s.o 150k | insta 200k Garchomp s.o 250k | insta 300k Pangoro s.o 150k | insta 250k Dragonite s.o 250k | insta 400k Staraptor s.o 700k | insta 850k Braviary s.o 500k | insta 700k Bronzong s.o 400k | insta 600k Steelix s.o 150k | insta 250k Claydol s.o 300k | insta 400k Toxicroak s.o 800k | insta 1,1m Gyarados s.o 150k | insta 250k Meganium s.o 150k | insta 250k Rampardos s.o 400k | insta 600k Don't be shy write below or pm me on my Contacts
  6. Hi^^ i buy Kabuto and Ferroseed.
  7. i'll buy Tangrowth insta
  8. hi all sorry for a kinda late response. @ sneaker07 i'm sorry 168 is sold allready. it have to be deleted. 118 is still avaiable you won! @Lazypanda69 allright you won! @ProDex gallade is yours you won! 1m for rampadoss is not possible sorry. 1,5m minimum. Cheers
  9. hi Kaminokage its right. ask Justlegend who have this Ninetales. i dont know
  10. hey kill3rrrr you can pm me ingame and take them. :-)! Cheers.
  11. Thanks for offer them. but they both bit to bad. Cheers
  12. @Nickky yes 200k+ shiny Milotic Mount is allright.
  13. hi i want buy good/epic Bergmite or Avalugg Ability: Ice Body prefered. the better the Poke the better i pay. Thanks
  14. hi, im selling s.o 400k insta 750k ~~3days after start bid Cheers.
  15. hello, Catalyst0910 we got you, you dont need to double post!. we make that really easy. this Magnezone is no more open for sell. Cheers.
  16. Re: Sellin' Ready poke <t>start offer #8 poke</t>
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