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Everything posted by Myhappyending

  1. hi its time to offer 5 of my god pokes good luck! s.o 1,4m insta 2m s.o 1,5m insta 2,5m s.o 2m insta 3m s.o 3,5m insta 5m s.o 1,5m insta 2,75m MyHappyEnding#3599 Discord ig MyHappyEnding (gold Server) 72h auction ingame and forum after Offer
  2. hi its time to offer 5 of my god pokes good luck! s.o 1,4m insta 2m s.o 1,5m insta 2,5m s.o 2m insta 3m s.o 3,5m insta 5m s.o 1,5m insta 2,75m MyHappyEnding#3599 Discord ig MyHappyEnding (gold Server) 72h auction ingame and forum after Offer
  3. hi its time to offer 5 of my god pokes good luck! s.o 1,25m insta 1,75m s.o 1,75m insta 2,5m s.o 2,5m insta 3,75m s.o 850k insta 1,2m s.o 1,5m insta 2,25m MyHappyEnding#3599 Discord 72h auction ingame and forum after Offer
  4. s.o reduced to 2m.
  5. hi im gonna offer my Godly PVP Klefki. s.o 2m insta 4m 72h Auction after first Bet. Discord: MyHappyEnding#3599 IG: MyHappyEnding Good luck!
  6. whats the HP?
  7. s.o set down for a serious start - 1,5m insta reduced
  8. Bumb s.o......... increased to 1,25m by people ingame asking for it. Insta stiill the same.
  9. Rules: s.o = start offer (3 days/72h auction will start) insta= instant your pokemon! at that time you write it down. (i will try to favour insta buyers. poke will come as fast as possible to you!) ingame: Myhappyending Discord: MyHappyEnding#359 minimum raise bid = 200k Please. Good luck! s.o 1,5m insta 4m
  10. hi, i'll offer 750k
  11. https://gyazo.com/2d359b644b466f74a3aa1d7d4559267c SOLD INSTA TY!
  12. hi, CynicalDawn ill just seen it. POKE END 22:00 CEST 6/19/20 GL & HF
  13. Hi i offer my godly Drago 24 Hours Left -> END 22:00 CEST 6/19/20 Rules: 200k min bit raise please. s.o = starting Offer (means there is no price below that) insta= instant your pokemon! at that time you write it down. (i will try to give poke as fast a possible to you!) ingame: Myhappyending Discord: MyHappyEnding#3599 instabuy: Patisaur Have a nice betting. GOOD LUCK & FAIR
  14. Hi i offer my godly Drago Rules: s.o = start offer (3 days/72h auction will start) insta= instant your pokemon! at that time you write it down. (i will try to give poke as fast a possible to you!) ingame: Myhappyending Discord: MyHappyEnding#3599 start offer: 3m insta: 7,5M Have a nice betting. GOOD LUCK & FAIR
  15. @Hawluchaa allright it worked. Thanks
  16. Hello Koxuluki, i have that one maybe you interested :) let me know
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