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  1. what do you think?
  2. goodbye bro. goodluck to your irl things. hope for the best for you! one of my fav poke in sylveon. its kinda op. well ill win it cuz i hate to lose lol i hope we all have good health and more christmas to celebrate XD
  3. ● PRO name: irhon27 ● Discord name: irhon#5587 ● Favorite christmas Pokemon: dratini
  4. nkar thanks sabo and onkar :y:
  5. good day. why i cant see move "wish" in move relearner or move buffet? it should be there cause alomomola can learn that move by level. ive also tried in daycare but nothing. hope to fix this thanks.
  6. Count me in. Goodluck to all
  7. Event: Hunt iGn: irhon27 Guild: Blaze
  8. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Irhon27<br/> red server</t>
  9. Irhon27 Philippines Wow. Thats a very beautiful reward. I hope im the lucky one to win that :Cool: . Its very rare to have that here in PH. Gonna share the site of PRO to advertise this and to have many new players here in our community. Enjoy have fun :y:
  10. I agree with that. I and some other players have same problem regarding with that pre-evolution moves. it will be a great thing to add in sinnoh or even in other region. glhf :Smile:
  11. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Rewards] <t>i received skuropi from boss ravine</t>
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