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Everything posted by Damanhko

  1. Hello guys, i wtb a shiny kabuto no matter iv, budget 800-1m. Thank you
  2. 65 66 67 68 69
  3. thank you bro :3 You can now lock this post.
  4. Why my blastoise cant learn dark pulse guys
  5. Comment here and i will rep or contact me ingame: damanhko. Thank you guys :3
  6. i have them back. You can close topic, thanks :3
  7. Hi guys, last time i checked before the heatran quest, i have more than 50 rc. When i m in stark mountain, the quest prevents me from using rare candies to boost lv my poke, that's a part of quest i know. But after completing quest, all my rc are lost. Unlike the darkrai quest, all my rc returned. But this time they gone forever. Please check again mods. My ing: Damanhko
  8. Hi guys, thank you for being here. As the cap, i am looking for a good bulba or his evol. I have 2 requirements that he must have bold nature and very good iv, i dont need hidden power. Please post urs here, i ll rep Cant wait to see u guys bulba. Sincerely
  9. north of jublilife bug
  10. pm me here or pm ing: damanhko
  11. I m looking for a sweeper in rain team.Thank you
  12. there are two ?? xD
  13. I have tried log in game for an hour but it always crashed and pushed me out ( Yesterday still playing )
  14. i have completed gs ball quest.What should i do to join celebi quest
  15. Nature calm or sassy. not bold. sorry guys
  16. i need a 24+all iv and nature bold.inb me or add me ing:damanhko
  17. are you online ? add me in game:Damanhko
  18. when will you online
  19. hello i want to buy the #3 sneasel
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