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Everything posted by Rektson

  1. So how long are we ban for a sleep clause... ?
  2. Porygon 2, Mime Jr., Scraggy i guess
  3. So, it doesn't work as intended ^^ Snow warning should cancel Drizzle and Hail is supposed to fall :)
  4. Politoed (70base speed) vs Aurorus (58base speed) +10iv 0ev = Rain instead of Hail.... Isn't it supposed to be the slowest pokemon who put the weather ?
  5. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] <t>Yeah moon bloom works for me, first time ever <3</t>
  6. Re: Le Tournoi Français pour les Français! <t>Précise le serveur.</t>
  7. You are not membership right ? yes but it must be have membership ? You need more points if u're not membership, if you don't want to see fled everytime ^^ (ms = +50%, maybe +75% bonus points or something) // Btw found trapinch - natural site, shiny rock, 14:00h poketime ~ 6800pts
  8. You are not membership right ?
  9. Someone found mincccino at love island ? Not a single one found since they removed Larvesta; quite alot of munna tho!
  10. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <t>klink boss reward maybe</t>
  11. 6200 + pts > nincada shroomish, ferroseed, nugget natural site > helix fossil mineral site & another site (got 2 today) > 2 big nugget mineral site > i can use the archeo to revive fossils (cost 10k). Artefact shop : 200u for items like reaper cloth and many more. (golett timburr still there btw)
  12. Re: Ingame BOSS [27/07/2016] <t>5 berries of each ev berry with Erika !</t>
  13. just found a cacnea in the trees whaaaat xD
  14. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <t>Moon Bloom never worked for me tho ;)</t>
  15. Weird message today 19:00 poketime. "A ghost type pokemon fled" @rusturf tunnel site 5500pts, non-ms atm, and in general when its a yamask i got something like "yamask fled..."
  16. yep, emolga & munna still there finally
  17. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <t>Good change on Arnie, i enjoyed the battle, even if i don't have the frog in the end xd</t>
  18. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <r>Ridiculous quest. <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/rKSUZzm.png"><s></e></IMG> i'm done</r>
  19. Found Hopip, Beautifly, Dustox, Volbeat, Chatot and 1 other common poke (edit: sunkern) in the trees. Rip interesting spawns 2016-2016
  20. how many crystal can we smash ? found 1 near the pokecenter, + maybe 6 or 7 in the river near sylveon Found Geodude, Corsola *sight* water leaf thunder stones, pearl big pearl. 5 days seems too much for this but some on us got good poke i think ^^
  21. found munna @ love island, morning headbutt
  22. Evolving Mime JR definetly make the blue server crash, ill stop but i needed to confirm. Sry for the servers ill stop trying !
  23. Evolving Mime Jr. bug ? this made me disconnect insta, and i can't reconnect. Server bug ?? When i evolved him i couldn't take back my item (sooth bell), it evolved into "?????" and i got dc EDIT : did it again, and it probably make the blue server crash AGAIN.
  24. Trick House bug in the minigame with the arrows (yellow green blue red) > Stuck = you need to disconnect when u're not hitting walls. Moon Bloom doesn't work for me. And i got moon bloom everyday in the hoenn daycare quest...
  25. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <t>fix moon bloom......</t>
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