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Posts posted by G0ld3n

  1. Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


    <r><QUOTE author="TatsumiChan"><s>

    </s><POST content="333111"><s></s>333111<e></e></POST> Wanted to stop by and leave Raich a very nice feedback regarding the userbar he made me. Very nice and efficient and is willing to work with you until he gets it right. Dazzled me so good that i requested and bought 2 user bars. Keep up the good work and i can't wait to see what Vulpine has in store for me <E>:Smile:</E><e>


    100% agreed <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Smile:</E></r>

  2. Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


    <r><QUOTE author="keoxoai21"><s>

    </s><POST content="333075"><s></s>333075<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="G0LD3N"><s>
    </s><POST content="333035"><s></s>333035<e></e></POST> <br/>


    Vulpine's signature price: 100k<br/>

    Raich's avatar price: 50k<br/>

    Raich's userbar price:30k<br/>


    In total that'll be 180k, also you might need to be patient, Raich has upcoming exams and Vulpine has many customers, so the wait might be a little long, but i must tell you that IT'S WORTH IT! <E>:Grin:</E><e>



    Ok so i just add more thread <E>:Heart:</E> i'll be very patient for you ! So try your best<e>



    Oh, i'm not making it tho XD I'm just telling you to be patient because everyone in the waiting list is patient <E>:Smile:</E></r>

  3. Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


    <r><QUOTE author="keoxoai21"><s>

    </s><POST content="332971"><s></s>332971<e></e></POST> GFX : Vulpine ( Signature ) - Raich ( User bar & Avatar )<br/>

    ASSET(S) : Signature , avatar , user bar<br/>

    MAIN COLOR : Black + Red <br/>

    IMAGE(S) : Just Kaneki ( Tokyo Ghoul ) and Shiny Duskull<br/>

    TEXT : <br/>

    - User Bar : Welcome to Pokes Ghoul Shop <br/>

    - Avatar : <br/>

    - Signature : Keoxoai21 - Together we are the best - Hornor to be a part of L . O . B<br/>

    DETAILS : <br/>

    - User Bar : just a gastly at the right side of the bar , don't make size gastly too big just little bigger than a bar.<br/>

    <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/GNb1ZPj.png"><s></e></IMG> <- not good at this sorry ( Help me pick gastly shiny or not )<br/>

    - Avatar : Kaneki with S Duskull on his shoulder <br/>

    - Signature : <br/>

    + Option 1 : a mashup of Duskull + Kaneki , a handsome white hair Kaneskull with 4 tails<br/>

    + Option 2 : Supprise me if you thinks your idea better than me <E>:Heart:</E> aw I'm no good at this <br/>

    ( i also want a kyogre and darkrai behind him if it still have space , if not or you thinks it too much so don't <E>:Heart-eyes:</E> )







    - Can you tell me or mess me the price of all !<e>



    Vulpine's signature price: 100k<br/>

    Raich's avatar price: 50k<br/>

    Raich's userbar price:30k<br/>


    In total that'll be 180k, also you might need to be patient, Raich has upcoming exams and Vulpine has many customers, so the wait might be a little long, but i must tell you that IT'S WORTH IT! <E>:Grin:</E></r>

  4. Greninja can learn Dark Pulse by TM/tutor, but it's not a move that you can gain by leveling up,

    As you can see:



    So have you double checked and re-logged to see if it has appeared?

    Another reason might be because some of the 6th gens pokes haven't been fully coded (pretty sure "coded" is the wrong word to use) on moves yet/some moves may be missing on 6th gen pokes

  5. Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


    <r><QUOTE author="FMLHauter"><s>

    </s><POST content="332354"><s></s>332354<e></e></POST> You can do it in the best way, okay? I will pay you more than the normal ones <E>:Smile:</E><e>


    Yes, don't worry, he'll contact you in forums when he's done with the other people on the list, please be patient <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Grin:</E></r>

  6. Re: Chimera [Red Server] ~ Recruiting


    <r><QUOTE author="Yogic"><s>

    </s><POST content="331983"><s></s>331983<e></e></POST> Goodluck to Chimera [bump]<e>

    <QUOTE author="theminho"><s>

    </s><POST content="332116"><s></s>332116<e></e></POST> Very nice post, well organized. Well done and good luck!<e>

    <QUOTE author="BurdyBurns"><s>

    </s><POST content="331987"><s></s>331987<e></e></POST> Good luck with the guild<e>


    Thanks guys for the support! Appreciate it~ <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Smile:</E></r>

  7. In some cases not, sometimes the reason may be lag, too much players, etc. but in other cases it might be scheduled if there's an update, server maintenance etc.. If this happens, the staff will let us know in the forums.

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