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Posts posted by G0ld3n

  1. *Also* just in case if the "Move Buffet" (in Saffron) doesn't have some moves, make sure to go talk to the "Move Relearner" (in Cerulean) because the move might show up there or visa versa. I've heard some cases of like that, so I just wanted to add it on this post. If both don't have it then it's not implemented in yet. :Ambivalent:


    But yea, *to people who also have the same question* about the Move Relearner and/or the Move Buffet, make sure you've checked, etc. and as well as making sure it's not an egg move :Grin:

  2. Hmm... :Light: The reason you're crashing is because the Vulcan Event was over when the Halloween event started BUT the "guy with a Magikarp on his head" was still there, and he disappeared when the Christmas event started... So maybe the crashes are the result of a bug created by the Magikarp guy disappearing/the loss of transportation to go to Vulcan Island?


    I don't know how to fix it, but this was just an idea of what the cause was... Good luck! :Grin:

  3. [glow=blue]1. COUNTRY[/glow]

    >>>[glow=red]A[/glow][glow=white]m[/glow][glow=blue]u[/glow][glow=red]r[/glow][glow=white]r[/glow][glow=blue]i[/glow][glow=red]c[/glow][glow=white]c[/glow][glow=blue]a[/glow][glow=red]a[/glow][glow=white]a[/glow] (but I was born in Philippines so I guess I'm a hybrid?/Asian-American)


    [glow=blue]2. SERVER[/glow]



    [glow=blue]3. WHY ^^^[/glow]

    >>> When I first joined I didn't even know there were different servers and I thought Red was the only one so...... too late now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    [glow=blue]4. ARE YOU HAPPY[/glow] :Grin:

    >>> Well when I first joined, I was just trying PRO out for a friend since he says it's amazing. Then I gave up once I spent all of my money on pokeballs trying to catch a decent-ived Rattata for a quest. Four months later, I tried it again, and I became addicted... So.. yes, I am happy :Smile:


    [glow=blue]5. FAVORITE POKEMON[/glow]

    >>> Caterpie. I am a follower of Caterpism, I believe that he's going to save and shield us from evil with his ability "Shield Dust," and as well as bring followers together with his "String Shot." Not only that but... #Caterpie'sHipsDon'tLie


    [glow=blue]6. MOST LIKELY TO OWN IN REAL LIFE[/glow]

    >>> Noibat and/or Noivern, unless it eats me before I try to bond with it. Which imagining it makes me [glow=red]triggered[/glow], eh, whateves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    [glow=blue]7. FAVORITE SHINY POKEMON[/glow]

    >>> Caterpie. Because when my god is shiny, that's when you know it's about to go to a model shoot



    Pst.. If you see this, I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I know because I caught a scent of birthday cake, and *sniffs* also a burning house? hehe, jk :Crazy:, have a great birthday!

  4. I'm sorry for your loss and sadly i don't think the staff will be willing to give you another one, you'll just have to wait for next Christmas or upcoming events for another master ball. But hey! at least you still have one. :Grin:




    *coughs* I highly suggest throwing one at a shiny caterpie, it'll be worth it, i mean... I would do it. :Ambivalent: :y:

  5. 1. Assassination Classroom

    WHY?>>> It was my first anime in a LONG WHILE, so even though i've watched InuYasha, half of Naruto, Digimon, Pokemon, etc., watching this series from a 5-8 year gap made me start loving anime again and all of its waifu, and "what name should i write down in my Death Note?" selections. Not only that, but having a plot including a teacher that kills, but also is INSANELY good at teaching with EMOTION AND STRENGTH is amazing to me. #KoroSensei4Prez2020


    2. Re:Zero

    WHY?>>> Despite its moments that made me[glow=red]triggered[/glow], I still love it with all my heart :Heart:, the emotion, the "whodunit" feeling, and the sense of curiosity every time he dies, asking "what will happen when he relives this again? will he do something to change it?," or "who will kill Subaru this time? or what will he feel this time?." All in all, I like a little bit of that "suspense" every now and then. Not only that, but Rem is probably at #1 of every person's waifu list. Which I have to say... BACK OFF. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


    3. Magi

    WHY?>>> Having that fantasy vibe is always good, unless you take it so far that you become a chuunibyou ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, ANYWAYS, every time I watch Magi, it gives me a soothing feeling, but at the same time giving me a sense of imagination, and the idea of having genies as part of your weapon making it [glow=red]powerful[/glow] IS CREATIVE, despite maybe copying DanMachi about the dungeons... eh, whateves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, not only that, BUT THE MUSIC IS AMAZING, the openings, endings, etc. it just gives you this feel-good vibe. Unless there's a suspense moment and everything goes to full out war ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


    4. Your Lie in April

    WHY?>>> As a violaist, and having a friends think of you as a "little brother," this anime is VERY RELATABLE. Tbh this anime should be #1 of my list, but meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Not only that, but all of these emotions that they feel is again, RELATABLE. The feeling of insecurity is hit upon us like a truck every so often, and watching this anime seems like it's fine comparing your emotional state to anime characters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (but at the same time, it may be weird... :Ambivalent:, eh, whatever).


    5. Death Note

    WHY?>>> It's well thought out, and Light makes me feel stupid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Seriously though, I love the suspense, and having a thought about a book that is able to kill anyone by just writing their name is pretty... weird, but at the same time it hurts my brain thinking of the catastrophe and havoc on the world if a book like that landed on earth... :confused:


    [glow=yellow]*HONORABLE MENTIONS (ikr, it's not over yet)*[/glow]

    Ao no Exorcist, Tanaka-kun is Always Listless, Boku no Hero Academia, Clannad, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Ren, DanMachi (Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?), Toradora, K Project, Mirai Nikki, Sakurasou no Pet na kanojo, Kimi no na wa, Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches and Log Horizon

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