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Everything posted by Troubleman

  1. nice ip. better change it..
  2. Didn't know they were even obtainable..
  3. pretty sure you'd have a message saying you're banned if it was the case
  4. I thought this but Magnemite does not spawn in Hoenn. This. Luckily for me I had a nosepass from granite cave with sturdy so just got it to lvl25 for thunderwave
  5. not even able to login to get to hoenn, I have my rattata ready though
  6. people already this far whereas i can't even login lol
  7. In what way does the people that already traveled to Hoenn lose if other people get it for free? But I get, thanks! Hmm I don't know maybe the time they spent training one?
  8. Trying to grind this rattata at Dragon's Den but it only gets ~3k exp per battle (with switching out). But when I was training other pokes (Growlithe, Azurill, Drilbur, Magnemite) They were getting like 13k exp upon switching out also. I'm not sure why but does anyone know? It's kindof annoying specially since I really wanna grind this rattata fast
  9. Re: Ingame BOSS [READY FOR HOENN BOSS !!] <t>Bookmarked. Thanks</t>
  10. I'm assuming You're trying to do the subway quest which is only optional. Go to cinnabar and find the key in pokemon mansion to unlock the gym and continue from there.
  11. Ofc it's a troll, but what's the real way ? :Cry: that is the real way..
  12. RIP to the best rattata in the franchise
  13. so to get things straight i need a lvl100 rattata to goto hoenn? or??
  14. drag it from your party into the chat and that's it
  15. This is already planned, but there are tons of things that are higher on the priority list development wise. I'll fill you guys in on what is to be implemented in the future. For starters a fully customization hierarchy system that lets you choose the names of your own ranks as well as the option to choose a co-owner. A guild bank that will store pokemon, money and items. Those two are all but confirmed and is why the management tab currently exists, other things such as guild bases/housing and bonuses for guilds when hunting together/raids are something that has been discussed but is not set in stone yet. There isn't an estomate on when the confirmed features will be implemented. Thanks for letting me know B)
  16. yo welcome
  17. Has there been any thought in implementing a hierachy for Guilds? From what I see it's just 1. Leader, 2. Members and that's it Having maybe a 5 stage hierachy would be beneficial and make it feel more like an actual guild, having people 2nd etc in the hierachy that can actually invite people to a guild would be so good, it sucks only the leader and no one else can recruit people for a guild. Just a small thought Edit: Does the 'Manage' tab actually do anything, I'm a guild leader and it is completely empty and seems like a useless or WIP tab
  18. can always go for a mixed attacker tbh. 252 speed 130 spatk 126 atk
  19. first one no contest
  20. Torchic cuz it's pretty much tradition that I go for the fire starter
  21. People with like 200-300+ hrs playtime are most of the time trustworthy too
  22. Welcome to the forum
  23. Trades are one time only. No, it will be of a set level. (At least going by the Dragonite -> Goodra trade I did yesterday). alright thanks
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