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Everything posted by Troubleman

  1. thanks guys. also metal claw's always been a move charmander/charmeleon would haven learned at a low level so that confuses me. still appreciate it The last time Charmander learned Metal Claw was in Fire Red/Leaf Green. Ahh duly noted. Thanks
  2. Don't interact with any npc's for now. Just grind on wildies
  3. thanks guys. also metal claw's always been a move charmander/charmeleon would haven learned at a low level so that confuses me. still appreciate it
  4. Has this changed for PRO? I just started out and My Charmeleon is lvl16. I was expecting it to have learned Metal Claw by now (I think it was meant to learn it at lvl14 iirc) has moves learned upon levelling changed in this game? If so is there a list anywhere? Brock is whooping me atm
  5. Prior to PRO all i played was Showdown. So Gym Leader and Challenger
  6. Landorus. Because the incarnate form and therian form both look badass, not only that but really good competitively
  7. hopefully popplio becomes a nice physical version of keldeo competitively
  8. torchic/charmander
  9. Could all be extremely useful in life if noticing these things could become instinct
  10. Wouldn't have it any other way tbh
  11. thanks for the guide. arcanines the best mount imo glad i can get it free
  12. Few people recommended me to join PRO so here I am. I'm Tyrone aka Troubleman, just started playing today and aim to be a threat to the competitive scene >:)
  13. welcome bro
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