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Everything posted by Swagcity

  1. just to let know the staffer that gonna look this forum i already paid the shellder 440k and evsed it cuz i didnt noticed the issue at first im gonna go to sleep atm so just let me know what to do tomorrow
  2. no im not interested anymore
  3. 3m 550k
  4. TREECKO HP FIRE +20 Start Price 200k Min Bid 20k Auction Time : 10 hr Left! Payment Method : Pokedollars / CC : 450k NO INSTA
  5. Hey hey my IGN is SwagCity I'm 21 about to be 22 and come from italy close to reach the 1.5k hrs soon and what I enjoy the most is login and chill with my favorite music About the service I might be able soon to offer ev service and exp service but still working on it U can't make me pick a favorite bidoof form I can't betray them that's why I got 8 of them
  6. I have no clue how forums work and you can't say enjoy ban if you refuse a counter offer second I just miss cliked the confirm reply and I'm still willing to pay you third do as you please i have a life compared to you and I couldn't care less to being banned I tried to be nice
  7. Come online now I haven't got much time I went up to 151k with selling some candies if you don't come now I just gonna lose interest and buy something else with those money
  8. Server Silver IGN SwagCity Hi I'm back after tons of years I haven't played the game for start Sinnoh quest I have completed ofc the hoenn league I even got tons of hours played and tons of boss defeated anyway when I go to Paul he say we gonna cross the path or something like that if I go all the way to first town visit route 102/103 I got none of the guys mentioned on the guide can I get some help on check pls I'm completely stucked I can even make a video if needed I spent literally 50k to test everything so hopefully get fixed ty
  9. probably one guy fake reporting me please do something if him report me
  10. Nickname: SwagCity Medaglie: 24 Ore di gioco: oltre 400 Vorrei essere aggiunto grazie mille complimenti per la pagina :Exclam: :Exclam:
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