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  1. Will this be updated? I think I saw someone with a Decidueye?
  2. Hello Shane, Im Lee014 or :Shy: . I'm not surprised if you can't remember me because a lot of us claims that we know you the since the start of PRO or this game. I'm happy where PRO is now and I want to continue to contribute to this game as much as I can, why? because as of to date this is the best game plus you realized the dream of every gameboy pokemon player around the world. You even forced Nintendo to release Pokemon Go in to its premature stage because of the hype you made on the pokemon community. Ofcourse, they will deny it.. :Cool: Okay, back to why I want this mouse. Since I was able to afford to buy a PC, the mouse that I use are all from the office. No, I did not steal them, they are the ones neglected and being thrown because of upgrades. Even though I am a heavy gamer, I was not able to get a good gaming set for my PC. Maybe because when I was a child my parents did not support us being playful and they want us to study and study. That thought got ingrained to my brain to set gaming always not a priority. But still, a gamer is always a gamer so a day will not pass that I will not play a video game or read an article about it. Until now, I am working but I always find time to be a gamer. I hope you can give that mouse to me. A gamer not only on his childhood, but until death. :Angel:
  3. Thanks for the info. It's easier to be patient if you can manage your time. Time to play!
  4. You said you will inform? Can you give a time line?
  5. wow, you were able to take the ID before accidentally releasing it. is this a test?
  6. i had an attempt with HM Fly, which I think is viable idea that needs very little adjustment. But was easily closed by Windypuff. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=32524&p=190235&hilit=fly#p190235
  7. No need to be a dick about it by saying settle down. When you propose an idea, be prepared to discuss this so that the mods can gather all the information if they will consider your idea. You are lucky that your idea gets reply from officers. Some ideas get easily taken down without any discussion.
  8. Lee014

    HM Fly

    @Jolly I am well aware of that topic, that's why I came up with this idea. When you say that it will be more expensive than the subway, it looks like you don't know how to use HM Fly. If you will compare HM Fly to other mode of transpo, then goodluck! Can't argue with that. :Sleeping:
  9. Lee014

    HM Fly

    Very simple. Think harder.
  10. Lee014

    HM Fly

    Why is there no fly? Because it will help the economy and control lazy people. BUT WHY? Fly has been a very sought ability in Pokemon History! What if it is possible? any suggestion? Kindly take a look at mine. You can use HM Fly outside the battle only if you have a Nocturnal Feather (consumed after, one item=one fly) and it is Night time only. Where to get Nocturnal Feather? Except for the drop rate, it will be same as before. The drop rate should be adjusted to very very very rare. Is there another way? Yes, there is. You can buy it on an NPC but you must present first a Pokemon that has a HM fly on it. So still, you have to do the quest. Another way? Buy it from a player. Another way? Join team rocket or whatever and steal from other trainers. :Angel:
  11. Thanks for the reply. Well It's not bothering me, I just want it fixed for everyone. I hope your replies could help them.
  12. photo hosting sites When I try to cross, server wont let me, im being bounced back to my current position. It's like Hisoka's elastic love is attached to me. So I circled to the other way to pass. Then I remembered, there's a a new dig spot there. I hope you can fix this. Now I am back to game because I was logged out, AFK for too long. I mean, trying to get back because there's a possibility that the server is full.
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