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Everything posted by Akemixhomura

  1. I was releasing some pokes and that time a bit lag then i see it released my magikarp shiny.... I hope i could get it back Here picture: https://prntscr.com/f1r15o
  2. Hrmm that,can I play PRO on Nintendo switch xD
  3. ------------------------------------------ Report Form ------------------------------------------ Move/ Ability/ Item Name: TEXT HERE Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded):fly+gale wing Description of Bug/ Not Code:fly move 1st but on second turn the user that use fly move second How it should be:fly move 1st and goes 1st on secon round coz gale wing Evidence (video/ others):https://prntscr.com/ebg2dl ------------------------------------------
  4. That mean you are too PRO , JK <3
  5. my opponent pinkow doest online till today i got screenshot but when i send private msg it goes to ya it goes to outbox
  6. MZ� ÿÿ ¸ @ € º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ PE L Ð X à " 0 Ž *­ À î @… ج O À | à « H .text °� Ž `.rsrc | À � @ @.reloc à – @ B ­ H (p ø: « € {6 *{7 *V(8 }6 }7 * 0 ; u ,/(9 {6 {6 o: ,(; {7 {7 o< **Ò åEV¹ )UU¥Z(9 {6 o= X )UU¥Z(; {7 o> X*0 ˆ r p� %{6 þ Œ -q Œ -&+þ o? ¢%{7 þ Œ -q Œ -&+þ o? ¢(@ *{A *{B *V(8 }A }B * 0 ; u ,/(9 {A {A o: ,(; {B {B o< **Ò =î€ )UU¥Z(9 {A o= X )UU¥Z(; {B o> X*0 ˆ rA p� %{A þ Œ -q Œ -&+þ o? ¢%{B þ Œ -q Œ -&+þ o? ¢(@ *2(C o +*2(C oE *vs< %}Z þ= sF ( +*’s> %}[ %}\ þ? sF ( +*’s@ %}] %}^ þA sF ( +*ÊsB %}_ %}` %}a %}b þC sF ( +*ÊsD %}c %}d %}e %}f þE sF ( +*ÊsF %}g %}h %}i %}j þG sF ( +*ÊsH %}k %}l %}m %}n þI sF ( +*ÊsJ %}o %}p %}q %}r þK sF ( +*ÊsL %}s %}t %}u %}v þM sF ( +*®sN %}w %}x %}y þO sG ( *ÊsP %}z %}{ %}| %}} þQ sF ( +*’sR %}~ %}� þS sF ( +*®sT %}€ %}� %}‚ þU sF ( +*®sV %}ƒ %}„ %}… þW sF ( +*’sX %}† %}‡ þY sF ( +*®sZ %}ˆ %}‰ %}Š þ[ sF ( +*’s\ %}‹ %}Œ þ] sH ( +*’s^ %}� %}Ž þ_ sF ( +*’s` %}� %}� þa sF ( +*®sb %}‘ %}’ %}“ þc sF ( +*vsd %}” þe sF ( +*’sf %}• %}– þg sF ( +*’sh %}— %}˜ þi sF ( +*®sj %}™ %}š %}› þk sF ( +*{ *"} *(I *:(I (( *{ *"} *:(I (, *{ *"} *:(I (/ *Nr� p(J (› *Jr� p(J (š *r(8 } (A } *r(8 } (A } *î%- &(@ oº o` (_ { ,{ *{ o# *Žo` (_ { , { o$ **{ *"} **{ þ*2{ oK * 0 u -*{ { (L * 0 oM ,*þ * 0
  7. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>[align=center]I would like to register!<br/> Server:Blue<br/> Timezone: UTC+8.00<br/> Trainer Card: <IMG src="https://prntscr.com/dipw0t"><s></e></IMG>[/align]</r>
  8. NIce Revamp,time to hunt poke there again <3
  9. my first shiny is golbat then second shiny also golbat rip
  10. why 500k suddenly? i seen ppl selling it around 250-350k only at blue.anyway you can still play without ms :)
  11. wtb 100c ign:Akemixhomura
  12. NIce guide anyway tho for one choosing starter pikachu :) I think should put tat hat as boss reward oso for player tat didnt choose pika as starter
  13. gundam seed and the other series xd
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