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Everything posted by Tba7

  1. 800k Meloetta and 1.2m for Victini^^ Let me know when you can bro. Contact me on Discord - if you have it - for a quicker reply
  2. Greetings! I would like to buy service for 8 Mini Games.
  3. 2 Gorebyss' sold for 200k each! More Pokémon's for Dungeon & Bosses are on the way. Should be here tomorrow!
  4. Boss-able Golduck sold for 170k! More are on the way, they just need training. Xmas Dratini sold in Silver Server from my alt account:
  5. Mimikyu for Dungeon sold! 4 more Dungeon ready Mimikyu's are on the way in the coming days..
  6. Chansey and Weavile for Dungeon sold for 400k! More are on the way in the coming days...
  7. Yep different timezones, that's why I tried reaching out on Discord. Sure you can have Mimi for 200k. DM me on Discord and I'll log into the game and do the trade.
  8. Klefki sold for 200k! 196 Rare Candies sold for 1.274.00! - 500 Rare Candies left for sale! I've added a few more Boss ready Klefki's with movesets.
  9. I'm online now. Have been busy working. If you're not online now, DM me on Discord when you can and we can meet.
  10. Shiny Tentacruel sold for 60k! Garchomp sold for 120k! Story Bisharp, Dusknoir, Archeops, Sceptile & Goodra sold for 50k each! More comming soon...
  11. Currently I have plenty, so yeah I can. When are you available for the trade?
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