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Everything posted by V3g3tta

  1. Re: RUKittenMe (Yellow Server Recruiting) <t>feel free to send me and invitation please!<br/> IGN: V3g3tta</t>
  2. Hello guys, I am facing an issue lately, whenever i fight and encounter for the first time dratini in dragons den and safari zone and try to switch from fight to items, the patch freeze for a couple of minutes...its a bit annoying because it happens always
  3. yeah trade chat is always like that,I am spending most of my time looking for pokemons and trading...this attitude gets me mad, as a consequence I reject at once immature persons.... especially when they sell smth and tell you to offer and your offer is not what they were expecting, and I wonder...eh come on guys do you expect at first pm smth like ''take my 1 million please'' or smth ' master please what would satisfy you'... just corner those immature and demand anybody selling or buying to be polite... its a community culture we can fix it. I have to tell you that being polite only increases your chances of achieving your target successfully, in this case you can even get more by just being polite, it doesn't cost you nothing.
  4. Hello guys, I' m considering to sell this dragonite in this new server. https://prntscr.com/bx9awd I know it has low attack but how much it worths selling it?
  5. confirmed Latias: https://prntscr.com/bugeyl
  6. V3g3tta

    Cinnabar [Red]

    I would like to join your guild, IGN: V3g3tta I have been playing around 160H
  7. Thank you very much very useful, so basically is it possible seeing if the azumaril that i got, have sap sipper? I mean by clicking on it.
  8. PRO Username: V3G3TTA Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Hello guys I would like some help with rayquaza quest, it kills all my pokemons with one hit. So I started searching the forum and found out that an azumaril with sap sipper would encounter it. Now my main problem is that I don't know whether sap sipper is a hidden ability or I can see it? is it possible finding an azumaril with that ability or I can get it only by breeding. PS. hope this topic its about helping
  9. Well i have been watching that anime for quite a long time, dbz was the best part especially until the fight with freeza... the last couple of last episodes are very interesting as they are not based on the movie...One piece is inspired from db as well, if you haven't watch it, i suggest you have a look.
  10. hehe nice policy, I am 25 and joined red server a month ago just to travel a bit back in my childhood....well as i decided to stay I am looking for a guild...if there is space there inform me... I've got around 60H
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