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Everything posted by Michaelx

  1. 1.6m
  2. S.O 1m min bid 50k Auction starts after first bid ends in 48 hours (2 days) no insta rr iv 550k cc 400k C.O?
  3. sorry bk19122 your offert was too late... the 15 minutes have already pasted... so jilastrea wins the auction! congrats!
  4. no asnwer after last 3 calls. so bk19122 won the auction ok i got mistaked again -.-' .
  5. Jilastrea won the bid after last 3 calls MY BAD... looks like bk19122 offered just in time with some seconds left... so the bid still continue
  6. c.o 4.1m bk1922 jilastrea are i nthe fight too
  7. sold
  8. S.O 1m min bid 50k no insta auction ends in 3 days after first bid (+3 last calls) auction started at 14:42pm my time (gmt+1) bid will end at 19/08/2023 14:42pm (+3calls) cc=400k rr iv=550k C.O: 5.150m Jilastrea winner: jilastrea
  9. you win the magnezone bro. pm me in game michaelx
  10. last 2 minutes
  11. sorry bro but his offert is still acepted...
  12. co:300k
  13. c.o 150k
  14. Start bid:100k min offer 10k no insta ends 72hrs after 1st bid bid started: action ends 16/08/2023 at 14:22 my time (gmt+1) C.O: 420K
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