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Everything posted by Michaelx

  1. Ah ok. sry! i apreciate for your attention! ty very mutch!
  2. Hi i wish to know wicth time the ranked battle resets? here is 13:03pm now Just to make sure. if someone can tell me i will apreciate [sry for english ]
  3. i was doing normal battle ranked. And then my oponent just did not picka move. i pm him and he say's was not in battle. and its truth he was not in ranked battle. im reporting this because me and him are afraid about this bug. maybe our acounts have some kind of problem or bug. pls tell me what happen or atlast if is everything ok with our account. ty for attention
  4. Hi. i hear from some people about players can have two accounts in game. Is that truth? if yes. How can i do it? i remember when i play a long time ago (like 1 year ago) "2 accounts it proibited".(sry my english) I hear about we can use the same e-mail. But need to have some kind of permission to have it. Where i can get? ty for attention!
  5. So what about this? https://prntscr.com/eqm279 . https://prntscr.com/eqm31n
  6. he asked me about a chance to find a poke with 25 ivs chance and give me 5 optins. i dont know what is the problably to find pokes for that answer. i just lost the quiz. please atualize the quiz :Frown:
  7. i was battling with this guy: nick Maxing and in the last pokes we stay he have the move "sleep talk" on his pokemon we both was with the last poke. i spend all my atacks and his goodra have "power whip,curse,rest,sleep talk" thats the moves he have. for some kind of bug he spam sleep talk and i dont lose pp when the move was used. but when i use roar when he have just 1 poke it say's "but it failed" and i lsot 1 pp per round. pls can check this? thats unfair and im sure its gonna happen more if nothing be done. here is the prove https://prnt.sc/c3m3pq Red server. pvp ranking battle.
  8. hi i have reported 3 playres because broked rulas have some day's and noboy atlast see the posts i have maked in the report area. i guess nobody give me atention because i am new in the forum. but when someone that have more time here report the staff members go fast and give me ban. i hope someone take care of that unfair guy's.
  9. Re: WTS Epic Impish Skarmories <r><QUOTE author="Gambilicious"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> next time just dont post your paying insta and changing it later, thats cheap as [Censored] :))<e> </e></QUOTE> Relax man. this is just a strategy <E>:Ambivalent:</E></r>
  10. Re: WTS Epic Impish Skarmories <t>1.3m Michaelx</t>
  11. Re: WTS Epic Impish Skarmories <t>1m for second Michaelx</t>
  12. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <t>hello bro. awesome your spawm guide. i guess u just need to actualize. alot of pokes have been add in game :) ty c ya</t>
  13. i have the same problem. im trying to log in red server and all time say's i cant log. i dont know what is happening... :(
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