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Everything posted by Michaelx
Michaelx Shopp [New pokes and prices updated 29/07/2023]
Michaelx replied to Michaelx's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Can i start with you Patomilenar? -
Michaelx Shopp [New pokes and prices updated 29/07/2023]
Michaelx replied to Michaelx's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Sry bro i forgot to remove insta price from ctr-c / ctr-v. The poke Dont have insta. If you start, and nobody offer The poke will be yours. -
Michaelx Shopp [New pokes and prices updated 29/07/2023]
Michaelx replied to Michaelx's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
New poke added... up -
Michaelx Shopp [New pokes and prices updated 29/07/2023]
Michaelx replied to Michaelx's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
up -
Server Silver Pokemon prices may change over time. After combining the location, do not try to change the default value or it will be reported. Only the payment methods below. Call me in discord if im not online in game Payment methods Pokedollar Coin Capsule - 380k Reroll IV - 600k Reroll Nature - 350k Rare Candy - 7k __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How to contact me: Discord -> Michaelx#6660 Nickname in game - Michaelx __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ninetales Bold S.O: 500k Min Bid: 10k insta price: no insta Ends in 24 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amoonguss Bold S.O:700k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 24 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bergamite epic adamant S.O:500k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 24 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bisharp adamant S.O:1m Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Heracross 1 Jolly S.O:450k Min Bid: 20k insta price: no insta Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Heracross 2 Jolly S.O:400k Min Bid: 20k insta price: no insta Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Epic Timid Magmar hp ground S.O:800k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 24 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gyarados Adamant S.O:450k Min Bid: 20k insta price: no insta Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tailow Jolly S.O:400k Min Bid: 20k insta price: no insta Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pinsir Jolly S.O:350k Min Bid: 20k insta price: 500k Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scyther Adamant S.O:350k Min Bid: 20k insta price: 500k Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Togekiss Bold S.O:400k Min Bid: 20k insta price: no insta Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Togepi Timid S.O:200k Min Bid: 20k insta price: 500k Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Modest Galvantula (hp dark) S.O: 450k Min Bid: 10k insta price: 2m Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shellos Bold (Hp Fire) S.O: 500k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 24 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Toxicroak Jolly S.O: 700k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 24hrs after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tyrunt Brave h.a (very good for trick room) S.O: 500k Min Bid: 50k insta price: 2m Ends in 24 hour after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Semi Epic Clefa Bold S.O: 500k Min Bid: 50k insta price: 1.7m Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aipom Jolly S.O: 300k Min Bid: 50k insta price: 1m Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chansey Bold S.O: 500k Min Bid: 50k insta price: 1m Ends in 1 hour after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Epic Munchlax Relaxed (epic boss sweeper) S.O: 600k Min Bid: 50k insta price: 2m Ends in 24 hour after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Epic Quiet Larvitar (Very good for trick room) (SOLD) S.O: 500k Min Bid: 50k insta price:1m Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Epic Machop(Very good for trick room) S.O: 1m Min Bid: 50k insta price:3m Ends in 24hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Epic Brave Larvitar (Very good for trick room) S.O: 500k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no ista Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Darumaka adamant S.O: 800k Min Bid: 50k insta price: 2m Ends in 24 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Roserade Timid hp Fire (2 hits kill ferrotorn sassy) S.O: 500k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Metagross adamant S.O: 400k Min Bid: 50k insta price: 1.5m Ends in 24 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prinplup Rash S.O: 400k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medicham jolly S.O: 250k Min Bid: 50k insta price: 1m Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Buizel Adamant S.O: 300k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vaporeon Bold S.O: 400k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tyrantrum Adamant S.O: 700k Min Bid: 50k insta price: 2m Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Salamance adamant S.O:500k Min Bid: 50k insta price: 1m Ends in 1 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SHINY + EVENT POKES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bulbasaur neutral S.O:500k Min Bid: 50k insta price: no insta Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dugtrio neutral shiny S.O:400k Min Bid: 20k insta price: no insta Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quagsire naive Shiny S.O:200k Min Bid: 20k insta price: no insta Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sentret Jolly event S.O:200k Min Bid: 20k insta price: no insta Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sentret Mild Shiny S.O:100k Min Bid: 20k insta price: 300k Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tentacruel neutral Event hp fire S.O:100k Min Bid: 20k insta price: 500k Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Voltorb Shiny hp ground S.O:200k Min Bid: 20k insta price: no insta Ends in 2 hours after s.o C.o: ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I was about to ofer 4.3. Next time pls contat me
Player name: Michaelx Showdown name: mikeplanet Server: silver Timezone: im in London. (I Need help to know about timezones diferences of th sv) Rank on ladder 14
Pls pm me in game. Um online now
Hello guy's im here to make a nice suggestion to help the game to have more fun for everyone. [ sry for my english,i hate google translator ] My idea is about a new map/quest to people have an Crystal Onix like one of the legendary pokes [ mew,celebi,jirachi,etc] I've been searching on the internet to have some good ideas about the quest,and how we can introduce the quest in the game.. Before i start to explain i whant to apologize if this text become to much bigger,i will try to resume as lesser if possible. [ sry about my english again ] . Ok,here i have a video where the quest starts on the GBA [ the quest starts exacly at 11:00 ] . This is a great way to start the quest,and if you see in the video, the quest looks like in jhoto region because he have a Croconaw. So this legendary poke quest can be introduced in jhoto region Canonically. . The another idea is about introduce crystal pokes like we see in the video [ like in the pink island ] with very low % to be found. https://prnt.sc/r2t6v0 This image give us an idea about how they should be. The only problem is about they Type, i search a little bit about Crystal Onix type in google and here i found some information that give us a logical explanation. https://www.pokemonpets.com/Crystal-Onix-Pokemon-Pokedex-4095 I think that just in the case of the Crystal Onix the type should be diferent like Rock and Ice like we see in the site above. And the evolution sould be Steel and Ice. Crystal Steelix. And about the other crystal pokes they should only have the color changed like we see in the video before,not they type. . Here is a list about crystal pokes who make sense and will looks very nice in game. [ The evolution of the pokes dont need to respaw,i put in the list just to dont forget about they sprite color too ] In the ground: Shellder/Cloyster [ in water too] Geodude/Graveller/Golem [blue] Ryhorn/Ryndon/Rhyperior [blue] Aron/Lairon/Aggron [blue] Nosepass/Probopass [blue] Roggenrola/Boldore/Gigalith [blue] Allolan ice pokes should be good to respaw in the map too. [ with very low % to find ] In the water: Grimer/Muk [blue] in ground too Staryu/Starmie [blue] Wooper/Quagsire [light blue ] in ground too Qwilfish [Light blue] Corsola [blue] Remoraid/Octillery [blue] Corphish/Crawdaunt [blue] Relicanth [blue] . And the normal respaw could be with poke that make sense be in that kind of ice map,example: swinub in the ground and tentacool or wooper in the water. Each poke with the respective % Tier to be found. . Well guy's i guess thats all, i hope everyone like my idea and i wish to help with anything,even if i dont know how to make sprites or create maps. And please, don't think that I just want to give you more work, I just want to increase our fun in the game and I really want to help in any way possible in carrying out this step.
Player name: Michaelx Showdown name: mikeplanet Server: Silver Rank on ladder 15th
Hi i got disconected from the server and when i try to login, the game always tell me "user already logged in". here is the prove please can someone fix this? http://prntscr.com/ogm7r9
Username/s Michaelx Explanation I was doing the Eumi boss in hard mode. and when i use roar on his poke the jirachi die with spikes and steal rock. but then i lose the boss because he got buged... [ sry english] if possible pls reset thos boss for me[ i neved defeat him] and fix this kind of bug with npc's [ boss ] please?? Evidence Boss buged when i try to atk him...
please ignore this post. he evolver to flareon -.-' i will give him some punches because he make me wast your times here. sorry
hi my friend need help with an eevee. he whant to evolve him to leafeon but he use the rary candy in the pokecenter of petalburg -.-' some staff member can please delevel 1 lvl to his eevee,please? nick of the player Rastakiller. i will ask him to quote here.
a Player is in a square purple.. chekc it out... http://prntscr.com/legnjo sry for english.
Sure i will take a look.
Player name: Michaelx Showdown name: Michaelx Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 9
finally the ladder resets... GG for all!
I was walking around the city and see the bug on mail box... http://prntscr.com/ldrj38