Well... that's very sad to know. It's clear that I made a mistake, and unfortunately due to being busy with other things I didn't realize my mistake until a short time later. I used Ctr-c and Ctr-V from the shiny ampharos post, and thats why the insta keeped 3m... I apologized for my mistake and at the same time I realized I went there to change the value of the insta to try to fix my mistake. I appeal to the principle that we are all human and we are always wrong, this is my first time creating a shopp on the forum and I was really motivated because I could finally advertise and maybe sell some pokes that have been with me for a long time. I dare say that this forced trade is something totally unfair because even the player noticed the error and instead of warning me about it, he just took advantage of the situation for himself. I kindly ask you to remove my ban and return my poke, since we've all made mistakes in life and unfortunately this one cost me a poke that I cherished a lot.