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Everything posted by Bathala

  1. Lol, that scum should be punished for scamming and throwing false/misleading information just to sell his BS.
  2. Re: Very epic sylveon bold ha <r>I'm waiting for insta. <E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:confused:</E></r>
  3. Re: Very epic sylveon bold ha <r>5M! <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>
  4. Re: Very epic sylveon bold ha <t>Hot demn! What a beauty! I'LL START!</t>
  5. Re: WTB> Epic Impish Mandibuzz (oc), Bold Alomomola (rg), Impish/Relaxed Munchlax (pu), calm Aamongus (rg).. <r><QUOTE author="Gerard29"><s> </e></QUOTE> I intend to have Immunity on my Snorlax and not thick fat thus I'm looking for Pick up Munch. and I'm looking for Munchlax only because Snorlax can't relearn the move I have in-mind. Thanks!</r>
  6. Aight, This'd be a cool hunting ground for me, Keep 'em comin boys. :kiss:
  7. Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r><QUOTE author="jamirakway"><s> </e></QUOTE> I assume you didn't even tried to read my last post, I said that I'm just trying to point the fact that too many players are overpricing alot of stuffs in the market now, especially those filthy buy and sellers.<br/> <br/> Well I'm not criticising you for backing up your guildmate / friend, But if you are really a good friend of his you would try to atleast point it out to him or make him realize that he is overpricing his mons, unless. "Birds with the same feather, flocks together"</r>
  8. I prefer sub, especially when I'm watching Pokemon X, Y and Z and other Season, it just gives me laughs and giggles when the japanese voice actors tries to pronounce english words (no offense, I love it) like when Alain is commanding his Charizard to use Dragon Claw, he says "DRAAAGOON CROOU!" :Crazy:
  9. Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r><QUOTE author="jamirakway"><s> </e></QUOTE> Lol, I don't need to try anything because logically speaking this Talon isn't worth 8m+, unless you're a douche that buy pokes at a cheap price and believes that he can fool people in hopes to sell it for a tenfold profit.<br/> <br/> FYI, I don't have any interest on this Talon I'm just trying to point the fact that too many people are trying to overprice alot of stuffs in the market now, and it just pisses me off.</r>
  10. Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r>Lol look at all his guildmates tryna defend his bs.<QUOTE author="jamirakway"><s> </e></QUOTE> Mate, I can buy this talon two times over (not bragging) from what your friend is asking, it's just that this talon isn't worth 17m or even 8m! Yeah it has good ATK and SPE iv I'll give you a cookie for that but the HP is low asf to be considered "EPIC" and be worthy of 9m+ price.<br/> <br/> And no, Talon isn't the ticket to reach top 25 in PvP, yes Gale wings maybe one of the godly ability out there but talon dies so quick from srock and ss, and guess what? he gets walled by Slowbro, Hippo and Mandibuzz.</r>
  11. Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r><QUOTE author="bushez"><s> </e></QUOTE> Bushez is hatin.<br/> <br/> Stop foolin around guys, This talon is actually shiny.</r>
  12. Welcome mate! :Grin:
  13. Bathala

    Short Absense.

    No worries sir, I absolutely know how it feels, I used to eat 15 cupcakes a day in my campus cafeteria and had to stop eating cupcakes for a month coz my doctor warned me of diabetes, It was the absolute worst days of my entire existence. Make this story as your inspiration to go through all your everyday trials. 1like = 1 prayer
  14. I'm still downloading the game, thank you for the heads up! :y:
  15. Beautiful Meta! 2.6m :Grin:
  16. Re: WTB> Epic Impish Mandibuzz (oc), Bold Alomomola (rg), Impish/Relaxed Munchlax (pu), calm Aamongus (rg).. <r>Added Munchlax into my wishlist <E>:Heart:</E>, bump!</r>
  17. They really need to fix this bug I got hit with this thing 4 times this week.
  18. Re: WTB> Epic Bold Alomomola, Calm Amoongus (Regenerator), Impish/Careful Mandibuzz (Overcoat) <t>Bump <3</t>
  19. My fault, I didn't saw your post the last minute as I was watching the clock tick and pondering on ferric. Anyways I gotta moveon and look for another beauty like this one. Wish me luck. :Angel:
  20. Re: EPIC MANDIBUZZ [end in half hour] <t>I hesitated to bid, as I raised suspicion on ferric.<br/> <br/> I could've went to 8m but oh well, congrats bushes.</t>
  21. Re: EPIC MANDIBUZZ [end in half hour] <t>Post a pic. Of your current money in PRO please.</t>
  22. Re: EPIC MANDIBUZZ [end in half hour] <r><QUOTE author="Ferric"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Thanks for pumping up the price, u did a great job <E>:y:</E></r>
  23. Re: EPIC MANDIBUZZ [end in half hour] <r>6.4m. <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  24. Re: EPIC MANDIBUZZ [end in half hour] <t>6m....</t>
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