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Everything posted by Dastoks

  1. Good luck to everyone whos gonna participate!
  2. hey man thanks for he guide! how is your screen so big? you see so much from the map.. i see alot less then you! (without ingame zoom ofcourse)..
  3. Well i agree, or even something mabye (?) easier is to let us write half of the name and hit enter and still find anything that includes the letters. for example, instead of writing Magikarp i can write "Mag" and it will show magikarps, magnetons and everything that has this name. I always wondered why i have to write a full exact name and not this ^
  4. Hey guys and welcome to my outlet! Everything here will be sold to everyone, no exceptions! Rules!: [iCODE]* If you feel like the prices are too high for you - FEEL FREE TO OFFER. i might accept or deny. * Contact me via commenting here or ingame or discord * I have the right to cancel the trade with anyone i deem not trustworthy or in any other reason i might find problematic. * For trades under 30k, if we are not in the same region you will pay the extra 5k for transportation to you, unless you come to me. [/iCODE] [spoiler=Items:] Rares: Eviolite - 100k Toxic orb - 120k Medium: Deep sea tooth\scale - 15k each. Kings rock - 20k Hard stone - 15k Metal coat - 15k Prism scale - 15k Protector - 20k Rattata hair - 20k Weakness policy - 10k Commons: rare candies - 7k each (always in stock) Dawn\dask\moon stones - 5k each [spoiler=Potions & Herbs] Potions: Calcium - 3k HP UP - 3k Iron - 3k Protein - 3k PP UP - 3k Zinc - 3k Berries: Leppa berry - 1.5k each Lum berry - 1.5k each Oran berry - 1.5k each Sitrus berry - 1k each [spoiler=Untrained pokemons] ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR [spoiler=LVL 100's] ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR ROOM FOR This is it for now friends! will try to update the shop as much as i can. My discord is "Dastoks#0046" This shop has been updated at - 28\02\2018
  5. What is your Discord tag? @Dastoks#0046 How often do you use Discord? Everyday, always when im ingame and when in traveling around discord is always popping on my phone. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? I would love to say more then 1 since i have a few things i would loved to see changed, But ill follow the guidelines! I think the most important at the moment is adding more discord Mods on the missing timezones .. i find myself on the mornings in dead times. discord is empty of mods or help.. I think its the most urgent one. (Im Gmt +2) Thank you and good luck all participants!
  6. well, i played ever since i was a little kid in 4th grade (im 22 now!) and i never knew about the competitive side in pokemon - why IVS matter, evs nature and ability and so on. So when i came to pro i really had hard time finishing bosses on the different bosses, alot of people from this great community helped me with tips and lending me pokemons to fight them.. but none of this matters because it was all done "by" other people.. When Valentine day event came out i was online just when it got out and no one knew what bosses are there. i chose Afro-lady and figured a second after on discord that she is the hard boss! I was so nervous with no one to help me and left tipless. So i had no choice but to gather my team and went to fight her. With much luck, i managed outtake her with all the help and tips i learned along the way! Won the great prize and eventually, even outtaked more bosses with the knowledge i learned! Ever since my team has only raised up and ive managed to progress even further ingame. Learning is fun! Thanks for the 2nd giveaway ive already seen you do ! :) and good luck all other participants. Thats my card btw
  7. I wish you all the best ! goodluck :)
  8. Amazing ! by far best guild ingame.
  9. Hey! great guide you can add that you can get Charcoal from the girl that talks about love and booom forgot her name lol
  10. lovely city! i wish it had more quests but nevertheless i really liked it.
  11. If im correct, finding a shiny is rated as 1/8127 encounters. While event pokes are 1/500 or so.. they are way less rare then shinys. They are a nice addition to your team, but besides a custom sprite and name they dont give anything. so you couls try and catxh them for the vanity, or to use one or to sell..
  12. If its still possible id love to have a chance to win! sorry to see you go, but atleast you pass on some of the goodies you have for other players before you leave. thats kind of you
  13. so amazing.. thank you! :thanks: u guys rock.
  14. Hey man what can i find in the cave? why going there in the 1st place? thanks!
  15. Thanks ! But what does this ticket does?
  16. Hey guys! Soo i was at the xmas 1st city on pokemarket and i clicked on someone to trade when i saw i suddently have option to kick/mute him ban and what not.. posted a picture. Not sure if its new or not but i figured if so some1 might exploit it!
  17. I love it ! they are so cute :)
  18. Re: How to Fast LV UP <t>Any tips on leveling the medium lvl pokemons ? :)</t>
  19. I play since YELLOW aswell and ive never seen a shiny UNTIL(!) i started playing PRO.. found a shiny psyduck 2 weeks ago and caught him :) btw.. ive never played without a marowak with false swipe for this exact reason hehe
  20. WTB any color party hat .. just leave your price here :)
  21. K i know they are not all amazing but i do need the money and they're sitting in my pc so i thought id give it a try.. leave a comment with an offer and ill get back to you :) Chansey: Horsea: Misdreavus: Murkrow: Stunky: Nidoking: Gengar: Lets hope you guys will help and ill be able to help you out aswell :)
  22. Such a far away prize for me..
  23. I think this is just great! just like MU, flyff, minecraft online etc factions could make an epic side quests and add alot to the game ! Factions map, boss, events for factions only etc. this is a great idea!!
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