Hi all guys, yesterday i wrote some suggestions i'd like to make about new features, will write them here. Well also i'd like to hear what you (players and staff) think about them and if you (staff) plan to make them real in a near future .
- Pinkan Island Update
Island Island should get cheaper. I mean, compared to other "special areas" like valley of steel and love island (we may also consider safai areas after spawns update) going there is not worth in my opinion. Officer Jenny rewards dont even cover the ticket to reach the island (20k compared to around 10k and an evo stone). Also we have to pay 20k more to hunt pokes that are not that difficult to find in other areas. There should be a rewards improvement for Officer Jenny and maybe a lower price with both tickets.
- Ash boss
I'd like to see Ash boss in Pallet Town, maybe with 3 different teams that suit his story teams, for example:
1 Talonflame, Greninja, Hawlucha, Noivern, Goodra, Pikachu
2 Staraptor, Infernape, Torterra, Gliscor, Rotom, Pikachu
3 Snorlax, Charizard, Tauros, Heracross, Lapras, Pikachu
- PVP Boss
Would also be funny too see a "Player Boss" (or maybe guild boss), best PVP rank player (or guild owner) may get featured monthly as boss. Team should be the same he used during pvp season, if he used more than one, best one will be selected.
As rewards: small ms, 3 pvp coins, 20k, and 1 among 12 starters (kanto, johto, hoenn, sinnoh), 20 ultraballs
Third win price: select one of 12 starters
- Daily quests
There are lots of veterans that have more than 1,5k hrs spent in this game, since pvp should not be the only "changing" feature, introducing daily missions with small rewards would be nice to see (i have around 500 hrs, it's just something i'd like to see for veterans)
- Global Market
Global Market is "work in progress" i read, but i write it to say that this should be a priority as gives the game a boost. I mean as this is an MMO, players have to move money and invest as much as possible, this feature will make this game long way better in my opinion. Also scamms will be avoided since price checking pokes will be easier considering the medium price in global market and these are only few advantages that this feature would give to players and the game itself.
- Beldum easier to catch
- New Pokemon Box
Would be great to rename each box and also to move pokemon in different box, that would help to separate pokes by nature, type, pvp and not, and others...
Thank you for reading this post, really hope this suggestions will be interesting and someone will like them.
Wish everyone lucky catches and good game, have you all a nice day!