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Everything posted by Kamize01

  1. i fight all of them at there spot. As u can see, i've already caught celebi. Thats mean i meet requirement but still not get the bell mate, i know you have the dex of it , also i have it to when i try that. because some bosses have that pokemons. try what i said. yeh i know, i mean i've battle all of lgendary dogs at their place. entei in safari johto, suicune in tohjo fall, raikou in mt silver. but im still not get the bell
  2. i fight all of them at there spot. As u can see, i've already caught celebi. Thats mean i meet requirement but still not get the bell
  3. Hi, i have completed celebi quest and have all seen data, 750hours+ game time. But i can not get the bell, please help me.
  4. Npc Name - Kamize Npc Dialogue - " Whosoever stands against me, stands briefly" when start battle. " The archives of time are lost with me." when defeated Npc Team - Hydreigon, tyranitar, Suicune ------ Thanks for this cool event
  5. want to sell this epic togepi. 1m5 for baby, 2m full train, offer here or pm me ingame: kamize01
  6. as the title, i want to buy kabuto/tops ada swift swim abi. Post image and price please
  7. can you update new look of pvp cloak and dress?
  8. This is my mothim with 303 point. Thanks for this event. My IGN: Kamize01 Server: Blue
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