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  1. I was doing the misty's megastone quest when i found it. I let the swampert in struggle (i guess it was using its rock type move) before it was faint. Then, when she sent the mega gyaradose it only attack with struggle. I couldn't take video from that bug, but i hope that this report could help you.
  2. [spoiler=Image][spoiler=Image]
  3. Mmm, I hope it gets fixed soon. It could affect many rotom players.
  4. I was plaing pvp with a prankster pokemon that have lagging tail, I changed the item with the opponent using trick successfully but the lagging tail didn't come back when the battle finish. I don't know if that's a problem of the trick move or prankster ability. I would appreciate if you could send me the lagging tail back (it's hard to find it).
  5. Thank you very much, they are back.
  6. Ok, I will wait and keep you updated.
  7. I lended 4 pokemon to pass hoenn in my second account. I sent them back with the button before the lendding time end, but when I was trying to trade again i couldn't find them into any account. My accounts are Lozo and Acre, both in silver server. No one except me have my password. That happened today. The lendding time was a bit more than 1 day. The pokemons were a clawitzer, hydreigon, ninetales-alola and hitmonchan all of them lv 100, ev trained and none with my OT. Ninetales alola have snow warning and the moves: Blizzard, aurora veil, moon blast and freeze dry. Clawitzer have mega launcher and the moves: Dark pulse, aurora sphere, water pulse, and ice beam. Hydreigon have levitate and the move that i can remembre were: Focus blast, dragon pulse, flamethrower and dark pulse. That's hitmonchan's screenshot. It have stomping tantrum instead of focus punch when i lended it. That's the only photo, i never thought it could happen.
  8. -
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  10. In-Game Name: Lozo Discord Tag: Lozo486#0266 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Often. I always see the news there. What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? New sections for other languages.
  11. Thank you. I will add it.
  12. New heatbutt trees have been implemented. [spoiler=Trees localization] Pokemon and Items [spoiler=Headbutt] Those are the Pokemon which are confirmed: Pumpkaboo Drifloon Drifblim Shuppet Duskull Phantump (without membership) Those are the Items which are confirmed: EV-reductive berries. Green Candicane (Restores 200HP) Rare candies (3 aprox) [spoiler=Land] Those are the Pokemon (levels 15-23): Zubat Tier 1-M/D/N Gastly Tier 1 - M/D/N Rattata Tier 2 - M/D/N Haunter Tier3 - M/D/N Raticate Tier4 - M/D/N Baltoy Tier 8 - M/D Golett Tier 8 - M/N Phantump Tier 9- N (Membership)
  13. Thanks. When will be add the figy berry?
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