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Posts posted by Pikpachu

  1. NUUUUUUUUU dont leave us strategist bae sama :sob: . Whoever hurt you will find me there haunting him :unamused: . If you truly decided to quit game i will respect your choice and wish you good luck to whatever you do. If you feel lonely out there always remember you can pm me anyways <3

  2. Ok so its proposed already to add those moves but is there any time schedule on when we could expect some (most usable) out of em? Since we stuck to SD rules like on several bans despite not being on same meta i see it unfair not to be able to use those. Pray for wish chansey >-<

  3. IGN: Pikpachu

    playtime: 2100+

    pvp rating 450+

    vote for both yes

    reason: will advance the interest of players to pvp to test their legendary not much of movement currently on pvp keep facing same people and spamming reroll tickets gives us rly low chance to fix the nature. i have 3 wrong natures and fixed only 1 so far on legendaries and ditched the idea of 2nd cause of tickets and luck needed.

    moreover, remove current ones and add new tickets or this will be abused as it is now in trade

  4. +1 i agree totally except for the boss part which was explained on previous comment. As a counter measure of harashing this i d rather to add a rule where u cant use 2 of the same trio in same team. With that rule u avoid any issues and u just give players a bigger variety of set ups and bring em closer to the basic rule of the game. Gotta catch em all.

  5. Also you should allow us to see the people who watch our posts at least on report sections or discord hub. When you see 31 people read the report and u get no reply and who even clicked that many times your post seems weird and would help players evalluating the work of every forum staff too. There are people doing tons of work that we dont even know so that would be helpfull for our relations with them. (sorry for postng b2b i just thought of that)

  6. i would say lessen the time of every move to 1minute or 1,5 so you dont have to make a complicating system and make most people happier and give hope to pvp in future

  7. -YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON AND WHY? Entei because it looks so bossy and strong

    -WHY YOU WANT TO WIN? I seek to gain every pokemon pvp usable so every addition is important

    -WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR CHRISTMAS? I wish happiness for everyone i dont really like gifts. (at least its better when u dont ask for them and people give them out of their love)

    -WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND AND WHY? I dont have a best friend tbh in game but i have many people i like to ascosiate with like you and lawkun while playing league despite you are feeders :P

  8. phime :( dont leave!!!! Wish u luck m8 on whatever u do. We had some cool moments i believe together and i ll never forget u!!!! I dont want anything specific but if u want to give me something with yr ot to remind me of our moments i would be honored ;) My favourite pokemon is Charizard ha <3






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    Most Professional Staff: Artoriel

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    Most Honorable Former Staff:integer

  10. Re: [NPC Request Event] Santa Claus is Coming to Town!


    <t>1.Npc name Santa:Ho-Ho-Ho it's time for your christmas present! <br/>

    A battle! (trainer team delibirds of scaling lvl)<br/>

    Losing Dialogue: Meh u beat me.. Here is your gift 1rare candy ;)<br/>



    2.NPC name Pikpachu: I hope i learn how to PvP in this new year :( .. Mind help me practice?<br/>

    (trainer team: Sun team prefered :) )<br/>

    Losing dialogue: Maybe i should reconsider my strategy ...</t>

  11. I think that the best solution is to give back the legendary to those who throw it but can't remember the id,but in serious nature and 01iv x6 :Cool: :Shy: :Sing:


    let them to reroll it


    6X01 is as rare as 6x31 so it would be epic fails that would trigger many players. Unusable ivs/nature though is possible

  12. Nah flint1 nature/iv reroll is meant to help legendaries be used on pvp if u dont pvp why you even need them with good nature/iv to begin with. Thus, we get more and more means to get reroll tickets nowadays and that's something staff work on such as the new gambling system.

  13. </SIZE></COLOR>

    <COLOR color="pink"><SIZE size="85">Staffs stating that there will be no IV or nature reroll didn't force you to throw away your legendary--in all respect, that's honestly something you should realize and take responsibility for. Perhaps at the time that staff said that, they weren't sure how to properly implement a way for rerolling natures/IVs, but during that period of time to the release of the rerolling system, they found a new perspective. A lot can change in a year.


    As for the actual suggestion, I would suggest something similar to Lucareus and make it a one-time event; the chances of receiving your legendary back with the proper nature/IVs is extremely low as a one-time chance, practically making the system "unabusable". It's also possible add an additional requirement, such as having the legendary be unrestorable, thus players who have recently released their legendary to try to abuse this system would not be able to, and would instead have to request restoration on said legendary.


    Ty for taking yr time and replying to my post. Obvious i just made a suggestion any similar resolving cases are acceptable the only problem i see with lucareus suggestion and yr nice filling on it is the time it will take to hold such an event. Pro atm moves from one event to the other with other updates being ignored/postponed. The final decision always comes from staff so whatever me or anyone else type is just ideas not something we demand. I ' ve stated this problem when IV/Nature reroll were introduced and we are here still speaking ideas.

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