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About Meleneden23

  • Birthday 01/20/1993

Meleneden23's Achievements



  1. Rules 1. I reserve the right NOT to accept a request. 2. This pokemon cost more: Togepi, Shuckle, Ditto, Smeargle, Unknown, Wobbufett, Wynaut, Chansey 3. If you don't pay after the service I will hold your pokemon one week, then I will sell it or w/e. 4. I Accept Pokemon from All regions 5. I give a safe time frame of 24 - 48 hours for services to be completed. 6. I will accept only pokemon from 5 level and more. 7. I will not Grid any Pokemon more than 95 Level. IGN: meleneden23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices - Full Ev Training - 65k = Normal 70k = Tanky 85k = Specials If your pokemon takes any level when I grid the EV'S then the price will change According to the Leveling Service Prices - Leveling Service - 1st Evolution 5 - 50 = 1k per level 51 - 85 = 1.5k per level 86- 95 = 2.5k per level 5 - 95 = 115k 2-3rd Evolution 5 - 50 = 1.5k per level 51 - 85 = 2k per level 86- 95 = 3.5k per level 5 - 95 = 172.5k ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apply - Leveling Service. Your Ingame name: Timezone: Pokemon's name: Starting/Finishing level: Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: - EV Training Your Ingame name: Timezone: Pokemon's name: Pokemon's level: What EV stats want to train:
  2. I can't log in and says connection lost. What is happening?
  3. Re: Looking for some reliable daycarer (fixprice 250k each poke/1day timelimit) <t>Message me here or in game.<br/> I wont train your magi.</t>
  4. Sorry mate, i was inactive for 15+ days for some health problems. I am okay now, pm in game my friend.
  5. Do not try to pass the championships - badges quickly and do only a "run" all those things that make Pokémon = Pokémon! The developers team has done a very good job and the history and details its rly good. Try to enjoy the game. After 4 badges you can trade with other players and is easy to collect the Pokemon you like fast, and after this to enjoy the game while reading the texts and not simply by pressing space. :) Welcome!!
  6. [glow=blue]Resoveltorlson[/glow] give me a [glow=white]Timburr[/glow] for Full Ev Training/Level up to 95.
  7. The lvl up/training ev's and trade its done! ... [glow=red]Free for more.![/glow]
  8. I pick a Cubchoo for Ev training from [glow=blue]Caximiro[/glow]
  9. [glow=White]Done. Waiting Trade/Payment[/glow] [glow=Blue]Orelon[/glow] - [glow=white]Poliwag[/glow] * [glow=red]28 to 95* 252/252* Atk/Spe[/glow] [glow=Blue]Orelon[/glow] - [glow=white]Ferroseed[/glow]* [glow=red]33 to 95* 252/252* SpeDef/HP[/glow]
  10. [glow=red]1st - What country are you from?[/glow] - [glow=blue]Greece[/glow] [glow=red]2nd - What server are you?[/glow] - [glow=yellow]Yellow[/glow] [glow=red]3rd - Why did they choose this server?[/glow] -[glow=white]I was playing on red 2,but new start is always interested.[/glow] [glow=red]4th - Are you happy on this server?[/glow] - [glow=white]Yeap, good PPL, nice guys, nice staff.[/glow] [glow=red]5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise?[/glow] - [glow=green]Sorry guys[/glow] ,[glow=yellow]butterfree[/glow][glow=green]is for everything[/glow] :Smile: [glow=red]6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own?[/glow] - [glow=yellow]Butterfree[/glow] [glow=red]7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise?[/glow] - [glow=yellow]Butterfree[/glow] [glow=red]8th - And, finally, what does Pokémon mean to you?[/glow] - [glow=white]I have spent very pleasant hours with Pokemon, so it is a hobby for me now[/glow]
  11. Ofc mate, i just say it, the game is perfect. It will be rly awesome this stuff with boxes:D
  12. Done. Klefki - Caximiro
  13. Done. Skarmory - Caximiro
  14. [glow=purple]Ev Trained/Leveling Service[/glow]
  15. [glow=Purple]Clients[/glow]
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