Smartest: X1tus / Gunners
Friendliest: Araragikun / Bluesilver238
Funniest: Gongon
Coolest: Sarahgirl2016
Comeback Player of the Year: Quanle92
Most Talkative: Bossman123
Most Trustworthy: Imhanjoo
Most Helpful: Imhanjoo / Bluesilver238
Most Missed: Fa99les / Ghostracer
Most Influential: Fa99les
Most Intriguing: Pikpachu
Best GM: Noisia
Best CC: Shaui / Shary
Best MOD: Letrix
Best CS: Artoriel
Best Artist: Shieon / Sirmeowington
Best Mapper: Tiggus
Most Professional Staff: Red
Most Friendly Staff: Artoriel
Most Dedicated Staff: Red
Most Honorable Former Staff (who is NO LONGER staff): 9oomy