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Everything posted by Dofalmingo

  1. Can any mode check how many hours left for this one ?
  2. Please noted about offers in discord is valid just trying to make ya safe more.
  3. Please show the trade transaction
  4. Did auctions started?
  5. 1.5m My bad I just saw it was gold server Can we bid on it ? Since I'm at silver if not I would like to withdraw. Thanks and sorry again
  6. What's your IGN?-- Dofalmingo How old are you?-- 24 What is Your Discord ID?-- Dofalmingo#5569 What's your goal in PRO?-- PvP Top 25 , hurting shiny (Depend on have time). What is your favorite aspect of PRO?-- it is one of good game. What was your highest rating achieved in the last 3 PvP seasons?-- Totally forgot it since just retired players. Please include a screenshot of your trainer card!
  7. Yes , if you do full ev I start bid
  8. Hi , will you do full ev ?
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