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About Tetrapodmelntea

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Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. moved to proper forum > have in mind staff does not know spanish mostly so try to explain what happened in english please <
  2. im on that list omg,well all the work i did i did it with joy,this is an awesome game with an awesome staff = ).
  3. first of all https://prnt.sc/b6vykg now that you have seen it > server cap was reduced to lower the lag issues ingame,simple as that. now reading all the comments you guys start to atack eachother and thats something we dont really like for that i will lock this topic and isue some forum warnings because some of you dont know how to keep it pg . > Locked.
  4. well do you remember at least some of the pokemon that you lost? or your last trades? > example : your last trades > i traded with testdummy my magmar.
  5. 5/20/2016 1:49:44 AM this from you now <<< >>>> 12/16/2015 9:52:11 AM this was the last time Lyralux. so no,ive checked your account and you werent hacked.
  6. good bye nelthy!!! was awesome to have you on board! best of luck man!!! love <3
  7. All of your suggestions have been noted and discussed by staffers. We came to the point where we decided that we will keep our current policy about the catching of legendary pokemon. Locked.
  8. and we are extremely happy to have you back! :D
  9. Yea breeding wont happen,use your imagination to improve the game in other ways,theres enough threads about this so >locked with a final >breeding wont happen.
  10. Bienvenido,espero que disfrutes el juego! Saludos desde argentina <.
  11. Wolfs rain :Heart:
  12. :Grin: 27 here : )
  13. If you bought the medallion with your coins then it should be there,check your backpack.
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