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Everything posted by Neverluckeh

  1. Granite Cave 1F during the day .. 10:00-19:59 (pretty rare)
  2. Biggest fail is probably a bit over exaggerated yes but having a jolly/adamant one wouldve been so much better for pvp or the value of the pokémon no? :P
  3. Natsu obviously as he can eat Blazikens fire to gain more power/neglect damage!? (Blaziken is not immune to fire damage)
  4. That really is unfortunate, such a nice roll and then lose the 50% ;( I can only wish you better luck next time!
  5. Seems lovely, I would like to join. IGN: Neverluckeh Hours: 235 Reason: Why not?
  6. Honestly I couldn't say, I have seen countless of animes subbed and only about 3-5 dubbed and that happened many years ago when it was aired on the tv. (Like Pokémon / DBZ / Shaman King) I have seen a bit of Naruto dubbed but switched to sub only because there was so much more episodes to be seen that were only available in japanese. That is probably the reason I watch sub, dub takes more time to get released and I want to watch the animes as soon as possible. Side note, I cant watch DBZ anymore because I can't stand Goku's japanese voice.
  7. Just lock it I will try and sell these another time
  8. No, only the server you buy it on
  9. That is a solid point you make there, I was thinking about that myself but I was hestitant to add that since I have no experience of that happening to me or to an other player. But if we do have cases where is this has happened because of the server and not the careless player then all the more reason to implement this. At level 98 and 50% experience I thought to myself 'Alright, I must be careful and not mess up.' That thought was forgotten rather quickly because I was distracted, at the time I was chatting with 2 different people on the game, talking on skype and watching a football match. (a rather eventful football match) And dont get me wrong, I shared the story of my experience just to give an idea on how easy it is to make such a simple mistake that can waste so much time and how I came up with this idea, not to complain. Personally I have made peace with my mistake after a break of a couple of hours. But as you may have read, Starlight made an interesting point where people do lose the ability to evolve a pokémon because of a server crash and that is ragequit material.
  10. Today I had made a quite demotivating mistake, after the process [searching for the ideal pokémon with good IV's > EV-training > leveling] I accidentally pressed NO at the point where the pokémon can't reach its final evolution. Which is very unfortunate and very stupid on my part. But after clicking NO for 70 times and a whole day of grinding it is quite easy to make such a simple mistake with no means to reverse it. Which brings me to my suggestion that most likely will benefit both the game and the players to a certain extent. To implement a counterpart of the rare candy that reduces the level of a pokémon by 1. (it doesn't necessarily needs to be an item, it can also be a NPC like the move releaner) I have multiple suggestions on how to obtain this 'counterpart of the rare candy' 1. To buy it from a NPC with the cost of 20k - 40k (gold sink) 2. A chance of obtaining this item from smashing rocks in the new excavation sites. (might encourage people to visit those sites) 3. A quest or a boss to unlock access to a NPC which trades this item for a rare candy alongside a fee of 20k (new content + gold/candy sink) 4. A rare berrie that you can obtain by headbutting trees. (might encourage people to headbutt) 5. An item you can buy for 10-20 coins by donating. (like the mirror) Obviously this suggestion pretty selfish as its only for a small portion of the player base and it wont be huge goldsink. (I assume) But I'd like you to still consider it as it might not take much work to implement this. Thanks for reading and hopefully this is a suggestion you can use!
  11. Yeah, Im also had the same problem, i was bugged and i couldnt finish the quest because it didnt respond... But the problem can be solved, u just need go to the mauville gym and talk with the leader. He'll say that u have finished the quest without battle lol Aha! that worked for me, thanks!
  12. Fixed, I just had to talk to the gym leader, did NOT have fight with Wally.
  13. 1. Talk to Smith 2. Talk to other scientist + the villagers. (the boy and girl are probably important) 3. Go north of the village until you find a cave. (talk to the bald guy just incase) 4. Enter the cave and go east until you find Aerodactyl 5. Talk to Aerodactyl to commence battle 6. Once beaten return to Smith for your reward.
  14. I have visited all Pokécenters and 2 are not responding when I interact with it. Below you can see that Oldale pc and Petalburg pc are not responsive. 4/5 done 1. Mauville 2. Mossdeep 3. Rustboro 4. Lavaridge 5. ?? 1. Slateport: too late 2. Sootopolis: too late 3. Pacifidlog: too late 4. Verdanturf: too late 5. Fallarbor: too late 6. Fortree: too late 7.Lilycove: too late 8. Dewford: too late 9. Ever Grande: too late 1. Oldale: not responding? [highlight=red][bUG?][/highlight] 2. Petalburg: not responding? [highlight=red][bUG?][/highlight] 3. Leev: no teleport!
  15. Here are the Pokécenters I have visited. (Im still searching for the last one.) Edit: Seems like im bugged...
  16. Can confirm, same happens to me
  17. It worked for me after i used escape rope and went back inside
  18. I beat it with a lvl 98 gardevoir, 2x calm mind > 1 psychic
  19. Thanks! This saved me quite some time. :D
  20. The exp gains would've been too overpowered i guess.. :P
  21. Generous and not required you say? I would disagree, its only normal to compensate for the membership time that has been lost. it would be rather stupid if they dont to be honest, i would imagine that people wouldn't want to support this game anymore. I for one will not resume my membership until the servers are stable. The last 2 days were unplayable unlike the other days where you would have had atleast 1-2 hours of gameplay before it went crash/stuck modes. So I guess the update + the influx of player wanting to play made the servers go to !@#$. How couldn't they see this coming as the servers were already unstable? or is it because its still in 'BETA' and they can't do anything about it? So they have announced this new server machine, couldn't they put the red server on it before release hoenn? Im quite new to this game, ive been playing for about 1-2 weeks now and im enjoying it besides the usual server stuck/crashes but its something i can handle.. but the last 2 days have been extremely frustrating, i was pretty stoked about hoenn only to be able to play 5-15 mins in a span of maybe 3 hours... Anyways, sorry for the rant...
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