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About Kuniyo9

  • Birthday 08/13/1989

Personal Information

  • Career
    Blue Server
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  • Occupation
    Blue Server

Kuniyo9's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. @Thor what about my questions about the dig stuff?
  2. good to hear, but what about my questions? is that done by now?
  3. haven't played for month's now, are all digspots now reworked? after you got arnies spot you said you wanted to finish the rework he started but some digspots still had 'nothing' and other weird bugs and you were kinda absence awhile, this is done already i hope?^^
  4. not quit correct, the pink one are ms exclusive for that area, not overall only real ms poke i remember right now is pachirisu only available in kanto power plant you have to look at the spawn guides jolly linked and filter the ms only ones urself =)
  5. Re: Hoenn Hidden Items- Locations <r>oh my god thats awesome thank you!!! <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  6. Re: Hoenn Hidden Items- Locations <t>how can you guys zoom the game out so far? o.O</t>
  7. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <r>i do 'chill', and not complaining lol :D<br/> just asking for information, so dont know whats the point is of your text <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> but what ever =)</r>
  8. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>and again 3x nothing on route 15 -.-<br/> <br/> @Xhaj<br/> @Red<br/> @Chappy<br/> @Unknown007<br/> @Naero<br/> @Integer<br/> <br/> sorry for marking all of you (i dont know if its even working and you read this -.- ) but any information would be helpfull to understand whats going on... im kinda mad if i see three times in a row 'you got nothing congratulations' :(<br/> but i still love you all! not your fault is he is kinda missing or i dont know</t>
  9. Re: The benefit of Membership <r>if you say 'how to get' you should show the shop and where to buy it there too, i see already questions like 'where is the ms thingy i dont have it in my inventory' <E>:Shocked:</E> ^^</r>
  10. Kuniyo9

    Dig Spots

    wow... deleting my posts silencely ( dunno if you or some other admin ) but no answer :( any admin statement would be great :Heart: is this guy activ and actually doing something or will you find a new one or i dont know? theres still 'nothing' we can find sometimes, and what about johto? :Cry:
  11. im on blue^^ and i swapped multiple times the areas, it wasnt working at all
  12. heya :Heart: i just was doing my dig round and i couldnt escape rope at mt.moon anymore, i think with disabling the rope at the moon you accidently did it for mt.moon too, maybe take a look at it if you got time for it! :thanks: :y:
  13. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <r><QUOTE author="kuniyo9"><s> </e></QUOTE> i quit because i have no time to work on PRO, and u players deserve better. which is why I stepped aside so someone else can do updates in the amount of time it needs.<e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> heya thor, nice you take over arnie's job now<br/> can you give any information about dig spots? kanto still bug's with 'nothing' and johto completely missing<br/> you workin on it or what is ur prio right now? ( at least the 'nothing' would be great to be done^^)<br/> <E>:Heart:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> hmm looks like he is lost already, well that was fast o.O :(<br/> any other admin can take a look on the spots? i cry every time i dig 'nothing' <E>:Cry:</E></r>
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