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Everything posted by Grabarz23

  1. After finishing each trial you need to talk to charlene to begin the next trial and all of my pokemons were lvl 100
  2. To get mega stone for sharpedo and camerupt you need to go to slateport and talk to charlene and participate in hoenn festival. You can only bring 3 pokemons ( one that knows surf / one that knows rock smash and one thats resistant to fire). You need those pokemons to finish 1st place in the trials: !st trial is rock smashing (mine was haxorus) 2nd is for resisting fire (mine was flash fire ninetales) 3rd surf pokemon for surf race( you can use your surf mount) i would advise to take strong pokemons since u will battle lvl 84-86 trainers during the surf race. Once you won all the trials and took 1st place overall you will get both mega stones as a reward . If you lose the trials there is once per in game day cooldwon which means once its 00:01 you can try again if you lost.
  3. medicham needs 100 level the evs dont need to be maxed out since ive done the quest without my medicham being fully trained in that regard
  4. quest for tyranitar mega stone is in saffron - golds gym . You need lvl 100 tyranitar and you need to fight vs npc '' kung fu master'' once you beat all of his pokemons with just your tyranitar you get the stone.
  5. i will buy shiny slowbro and shiny banette pm me in game or on discord
  6. haaahahaahaha that moment when ppl can confuse others :) , my offer for timid one still stands xD
  7. would like to buy shiny timid magnemite for 150k if u didnt sold it yet
  8. start shiny vulpix :)
  9. 1m start on whimsicott
  10. Re: WTS Epic Clefable and Sylveon H.a <t>i would like to buy Clefable for insta 3m<br/> My IGN: Grabarz23</t>
  11. 2,3m from me
  12. Re: (updated)Good Clefairy`s /Cleffa <t>650k for epic clefairy as the last person that bid withdraw from the auction :D</t>
  13. i withdraw from buying clefairy as u took too much time to answer.
  14. Re: MYSTERIES SHOP(Item Shop & Jolly Shelgon & Krookodile New Added) <t>100k for your clefairy</t>
  15. Re: !!!Epic Bold Clefable!!! <t>2,2m from me</t>
  16. Re: !!!Epic Bold Clefable!!! <t>1.7 m here</t>
  17. i would like to buy 2nd clefairy https://prntscr.com/dyf9np
  18. 600k for h.a bulbasaur :D ,auction ends at 23/01/2017 right ?
  19. Re: !!!Epic Bold Clefable!!! <t>1,2m from me</t>
  20. Please check the last Pokemon in your box. I have also moved this topic to the proper subforum. Thank you very much its there :)
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