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Everything posted by Qhinn

  1. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  2. Glad to read it all worked out. Locking that topic.
  3. That guide will provide all you need: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=15953 Please take a look at our walkthrough section before asking for help next time. Best regards.
  4. That's another topic. Locking this one as answers have been provided. Enjoy your game.
  5. Well, there's no valid proof to refund the Pokemon. Provide screenshots next time please. Sorry for your inconvenience. Hope you can still enjoy your game. Locking the topic. Best regards.
  6. Nevertheless, as the answer has been provided correctly - I'm locking that topic.
  7. Heh, guess I lost my mind on that one ;) Yeah, you're right guys. Guess I need to re-learn some math skills! Thanks for the heads-up.
  8. Available at Sevii Island 6. Just explore all the paths, you pretty much can't miss it. Make sure to have membership status in order to be able to enter Sevii Islands.
  9. Not always, paralyze divide your speed by 4. A paralyzed weavile can still outspeed a low speed ferrothorn for example Paralyzation reduces your speed. You'll have 75% less speed once you've been hit by paralyzation. Speed doesn't get divided by 4.
  10. Hello [ref]Quazi1993[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. We have various ways to support you in case, like Game Guides and live chat support via Internet Relay Chat, aswell as Frequently Asked Questions to properly guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  11. Locking the topic. Valid answers have been provided.
  12. Good to see you around. Enjoy your game.
  13. [ref]martindaniel98[/ref] provided correct information. Report to me if it worked.
  14. Correct. Double money can be obtained from trainer battles only.
  15. You might have been hit by a rollback. Isn't supposed to happen often though. I advice to avoid logging out during battles or lagwaves, in order to properly save your progress. PRO will save the progress you achieved by logging out regularly. Best regards, enjoy your game.
  16. No worries, that's what I am here for. Hope you'll be able to play soon. Locking the topic, you'll get a notification as soon as the server(s) get(s) rebooted.
  17. Issue has been solved. Locking the topic.
  18. Wild Whismurs can drop Soothe Bell by chance.
  19. Unfortunately we don't have any other solution but to manually reboot the server. We only know that it's server sided, as you're still logged in on the map server. You're getting recognized twice, hence why you can't login.
  20. Hello [ref]Moreth[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. We have various ways to support you, like Game Guides and live chat support via Internet Relay Chat, there's also Frequently Asked Questions to guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  21. Hello [ref]domdilord[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. We have various ways to support you if you need it, like Game Guides and Live Chat Support, aswell as Frequently Asked Questions in order to properly guide you through. Enjoy your game!
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