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Everything posted by Qhinn

  1. Gligar can be found at Route 26 via Headbutt, they bare Razor Fang by chance. https://prntscr.com/c221f1 Here's a picture of their spawn points.
  2. ~ Moved to proper forum ~
  3. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  4. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  5. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  6. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  7. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  8. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  9. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  10. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  11. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  12. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  13. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  14. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
  15. Alternate links are working properly now.
  16. Please watch the language, no abbreviations allowed in here. Forums are PG aswell. Try that link [ref]Trebble[/ref] has mentioned, should work. Good luck.
  17. Will be updated as soon as possible. Please remain patient. Best regards.
  18. Hello [ref]IkkixD[/ref], welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online. We have various ways to support you in case, like Game Guides and live chat support via Internet Relay Chat for instance, aswell as Frequently Asked Questions to guide you through. Enjoy your game!
  19. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online.
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