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Everything posted by Eldra

  1. Re: WTB timid eevee, iron fist timburr <t>What's your criteria for timid eevee? Specifically speed and spak IVs.</t>
  2. Re: ♚♚ Golden Empire Daycare ♚♚ NOW OPEN ツ <r><QUOTE author="Kaelinne"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thank you so much for the quick services. I will definitely use your service again in the future, see you later!</r>
  3. Re: ♚♚ Golden Empire Daycare ♚♚ NOW OPEN ツ <t>I'd like to request service for EV training a budew, as few as a few others.<br/> After EV training is complete, I will level them to lvl90 and request for leveling service till 100. Will be in contact shortly.</t>
  4. Re: Sell epic beldum <t>580k!!</t>
  5. Re: mawtygaming shop for fun! added POKES 7/14 <t>I'll start donphan and weezing at 200k a piece</t>
  6. Re: mawtygaming shop for fun! <t>100k tenta</t>
  7. Re: Black Market (15+ Epics) <t>eevee sold for 500k value.</t>
  8. Re: Black Market (15+ Epics) <t>sold togepi and a few other things. Will update soon.</t>
  9. Re: Black Market (15+ Epics) <t>Sorry for the late reply, haven't been going home till 2am everyday... But the offer for budew was 60k from last week. Let me know if you'd like it for 80</t>
  10. Re: Black Market (15+ Epics) <r><QUOTE author="TBXLEE"><s> </e></QUOTE> Will do. Probably have time this weekend to trade if you'd like to.</r>
  11. Re: Black Market (15+ Epics) <t>Updated current c/o, haven't had much time lately due to heavy deal flow. Will do the trade every weekend.</t>
  12. Re: Black Market (15+ Epics) <r><QUOTE author="Deidara7"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sorry that's too low. I'll post a starting bid later in the day</r>
  13. Looking for offers or trading with comps Currently working ibanking for 80 hours/week. Will try to update every two days, but won't be able to do the trades until each weekend.
  14. 100k for first gligor
  15. I'll take snorlax.
  16. Re: wts epic cloyster <t>500k.</t>
  17. Re: OllzaaFCB's Daycare shop <t>Getting on, swinub 55-100 thanks :)</t>
  18. 48-Hour Auction. Current B/O is 600k. Good luck.
  19. Will send you a PM, got a few pokes I might need done
  20. Re: [Ongoing Auction Epic Blastoise, Mareep, Altaria 31x4 !!!] VNS2 HUNTER © <r><QUOTE author="DadLife"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey sir, we have horsea for u :D<e> </e></QUOTE> Sorry, spent a week away from the States so didn't have access to internet. Will pick it up asap if still available</r>
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