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Everything posted by Eldra
You mean all ivs less than 9?
Please don't spam with bumps
Re 3, while I fully understand where you are getting at, it would simply not work with the established mechanisms within the competitive scene which depends highly on SPEED. For instance, it is well known that most competitive experts in the franchise memorizes most of the speed tiers in at least the specific battle tier they are playing (e.g. OU, usually), since Pokemon is essentially a game in which many times whether you kill or are killed is based on if your pokemon is faster than another. Specifically, there are many pokemon at the base 100 speed tiers which requires 31 speed to stand a chance, and the fact that jolteon/aero/crobat are all in the same speed tier means that the possibility to outruns your opponent if you have a timid/jolly 31 speed would be 50% (assuming your opponent also runs a +speed 31spd). Because of that nature, any changes to the EV and thus speed tier would demolish that balance in the competitive structure. Oh and one more thing, iirc EVs only work in groups of 4, meaning that unless you allocate the additional evs, having 1 or 2 additional EV is meaningless.
That's their duty. They can move the thread to a "record" (for those who want to know what happened with the server back then), and create a new thread if a new issue appears. Again, I personally would rather the mods/GM to actually spend their valuable time productively to fix the server than to post meaningless announcements as you've suggested.Also, they don't have any official "duty" to inform anyone, considering the game is a voluntary piece of art. Blaming the mods/GM insofar as "That's their duty" is simply egoistical, since you yourself are consuming free content. Lastly, not every mod/GM have any knowledge of what is actually going on with the server, let alone until what time they expect to fix it. I hope you are not recommending them to post the likes of: by MOD, Oct 25, 2015 1:00pm The server is still offline, please be patient until it comes back up. by MOD, Oct 25, 2015 2:00pm We still have no information regarding when the server will be back up, please wait patiently until then. by MOD, Oct 25, 2015 2:30pm OK back up now. .... you get the idea. If you just want to know server status, the homepage is all you need. If you want to know what time or the cause of the server crashing, go seek God. P.P.S: Using the fact that you've played mmos for 12 years as pseudo-authority is just silly. Many in this forum have played for much longer and being an expert at COD for instance has nothing to do with knowing how the game should be moderated.
In regards to 1, several moderators/higher-ups have already stated that announcement would not be used to communicate server statuses since that would render announcement completely futile. Why? Perhaps you wouldn't know but in the past month the server has gone offline perhaps more than 60 times. Are you expecting mods/gms to spend time bombarding the announcement every time a server goes offline, instead of spending their valuable time fixing the server itself? It adds no value and wastes time. Please, I know it may be difficult, but do understand the mods' decision (especially when they have repeated themselves several times).
Found Fennekin, Morning Illusory Forest
Have a timid umb, how much you paying for?
Who can win Red at Celadon City or at reception to Victory road?
Eldra replied to Baboonman5's topic in General Game Talk
Celadon probably not possible unless you run something like a sturdy poke with custap and endeavor, along with a priority user. Destiny bond with sturdy should also work theoretically but those are practically speaking impossible at this stage due to bugs and no custap in this game -
Trainer chooses Tyranitar. A sandstorm kicks up! Kingdra uses surf, Tyranitar takes 30% damage!
This can be locked, wont be updated anymore anytime soon.
Eldra replied to Sesshomaru's topic in Outdated Guides
Re: Available TMs + Tutor Guide - work in progress <t>Bounce is also supposedly implemented, not sure where though.</t> -
Lets play HIDE AND SEEK (50k prize per winner and 3 rounds)
Eldra replied to Youraxx27's topic in General Game Talk
Re: Lets play HIDE AND SEEK (25k price 4 rounds) <t>Not sure where this is supposed to fall under but definitely not suggestions...</t> -
iirc already proven by mod/GM to be merely an unsupported rumor. Thanks for the map though :)
That, alongside other EV reducing berries, can be found in the viridian maze which is within the viridian forest. You should probably bring flash with you as otherwise it'd be impossible to navigate. There's also some kind of berry tower but I can't comment on it as I've never been there yet. Please check out our guide section on forum as it provides many useful information for these kind of questions.
Is this implying that legendaries have already been implemented but it's just up to us to discover it by ourselves? :Cool:
Haven't tested it in person yet but I doubt Arena Trap works on the basis of us being able to escape from digletts (unless if it were intentional to forestall us from such madness). Personally even though a shiny abra had escaped from me (a few days ago no less), I see it necessary to retain some value to the pokemon and being canon to the source. a shadow tag poke help buddy so they cant escape Really wish I had one when the shiny abra showed up :Frown:
thanks a lot buddy =) Ur welcome m8 =D Haven't tested it in person yet but I doubt Arena Trap works on the basis of us being able to escape from digletts (unless if it were intentional to forestall us from such madness). Personally even though a shiny abra had escaped from me (a few days ago no less), I see it necessary to retain some value to the pokemon and being canon to the source.
Quite ironic you used the word "unfair" since the suggestion you've made is essentially unfair by virtue of itself. But personally, 1450/1450 was never a problem for me--always able to get in after a minute of spamming log-in. Also, since the server is expected to continue expanding, in the long-run the need for such proposal seems trivial.
I normally discourage fully abiding by this particular source, but smogon is definitely user friendly in that aspect. Oh and google is your friend.
Some valid points, but I'd like to share some of my few cents: 1) Yes. It is arguable that, theoretically, Synchronize might be ruining the current market economy, but simply looking at the facts, at the current economy we could tell that competitive pokemon that have the right nature and great ivs are still valued highly (sometimes too highly as one could argue). Let's choose Abra/Alakazam, for instance, since you mentioned it on your first point. Yes, there are tons of abra out there, some with great natures and stats, but that's simply because the market has high demand and thus high number of people farming at the particular spot. An aside, I would contend that Starmie is a much greater psychic-type pokemon than Alakazam due to its bulk, synergy, and ability to rapid spin, but that's not the point here. Back to alakazam, as you have stated, "it is so easy to find Abras that in every hour you can see an epic one with perfect nature for sale". That is definitely not true, unless if your definition of "epic" is simply anything "usable", which is again subjective, and simply means that you might need to raise your standard. A timid 31 Speed 25+ Special Attack, all other relevent stats above 20+ is still extremely rare, could probably be sold for over 500k, and let's not even go into the ability, since everyone should know that Alakazam desperately need the hidden ability "Magic Guard" to be on par with other offenses, and that in the game the chance of encounter one with said ability is rumored at 1-5%. Same goes with your typical politoed, slowbro, ninetails, most of which are futile without their hidden ability. Let's suppose the chance of encountering an abra is, conservatively speaking, 1%. With a timid synchronize lead, that would make it 0.5% of being potentially a timid abra you are encountering. Since conservatively speaking 3% of the encounters are hidden ability, that would make it 0.015%. And that 0.015% is only the probability of seeing a timid abra with magic guard--unless you have the RNG god on your shoulder, you know that it would require perhaps dozens or hundreds of encounter to find something that fit a competitive standard. And still, you insist that it is common? 2) A beyond-ridiculous encounter rate for popular OU pokemon, e.g. Dragonite, Salamence, and Ttar, would easily corrupt the competitive scene since there would be a severe lack of balance where either the majority of people no longer plan teams specifically to counter those popular picks, where whoever has one of the three has an absolute advantage over others, or those would simply be banned in the spirit of being fair to all players. Neither are great solutions to competitively-minded players, in my opinion. Ultimately, aside from shiny traders and causal players, the market and the game dynamics are set chiefly by competitive players and I personally do not think that limiting the viability of pokemon to use on the competitive scene is a great idea. 3) "Chances are that with your Synchro Abra you already have your team with perfect nature by the time you have beaten the E4. And as they are easily obtainable, most likely they have nice IVs as well..." I would highly advice you to look into what exactly is competitively viable by high standards. The end-game content, aside from new updates with new content, etc., is naturally PVP/tournaments, as with most mainstream mmorpgs/mmo in general. PVE is always great but is seldom satisfying for an end-game goal, due to the limits of artificial intelligence. I'm sure the developers have in mind how to develop that foundation, and we would simply need to give them some time. Also, legendaries are said to be implemented to be EXTREMELY RARE (there, you have the extremely rare pokemon), so that's another end game should you decide to go on that path. Not trying to sound belligerent, but I'm simply a rather blunt person and write what I think. Apologies for lack of manners :)
Dudedee's Shop - [S] Staryu, [S] Growlithe, Epics!!!!
Eldra replied to Dudedee's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
One does not simply find both a shiny staryu and a shiny growlithe in a two-month old game... or maybe you do. Anyway, PM'd. -
YOU! YOU! YOU! SO IT WAS YOU WHO CRASHED THE SERVER!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Just kidding, I personally don't think it was the cause; you always see wild pokemon sprites walking around everywehre /: