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Everything posted by Eldra

  1. Meant to say 4ms, but in the past few days ms has been falling hard so I'm only counting it as 110k each.
  2. B/O: 4ms. 24 hours.
  3. Re: VNS2 HUNTER's SHOP © <t>Thanks so much for completing my request for cleffa and providing me a welcoming discount. You are the most professional service I have seen as of yet and I would love to continue to business with you in the future! Cheers my friend, and happy holidays!</t>
  4. Very interested. Please PM me with your best offer, or if there's none, what you're looking for.
  5. Looking for the following: Modest Horsea (Swift Swim): x/20+/25+/25+/20+/20+ Relaxed/Bold/Sassy/Calm Shellos (Storm Drain): x/20+/x/20+/20+/20+ Bold/Calm/Modest Goomy (Sap Sipper/Hydration): x/20+/x/20+/20+/20+ Bold/Modest Tympole (Water Absorb/Swift Swim): x/20+/20+ (if S.S., otherwise 10+)/20+/20+/20+ Will add more later. Please PM me with details even if you do not fulfill a few of the IV requirements (nature and ability are must)
  6. Re: Dae's Pokeshop- added many good Poke(s) for PvP <t>Have you had any offers for your impish scizor? If not, what's min?</t>
  7. Re: Grand Opening of Prophezzy's Blackmarket <t>Scizor 300</t>
  8. Re: VNS2 HUNTER's SHOP © <r><QUOTE author="Yukito115"><s> </e></QUOTE> Unfortunately I do need a modest one instead of timid horsea, but thanks! Could you send me the specs of the Donphan/Phanpy and what you're looking for via Private PM? I'll be traveling tomorrow so might be not back till later.</r>
  9. Re: VNS2 HUNTER's SHOP © <r><QUOTE author="Yukito115"><s> </e></QUOTE> How many u can pay sir :3<br/> We already got some for u :)<e> </e></QUOTE> I got a good amount of ms and cash when the server is up. Could you pm me regarding details of which ones you've fulfilled? I'd love to know more. Thanks bro!</r>
  10. Re: VNS2 HUNTER's SHOP © [special Update in next 6 days!!!] <r>Here's a bunch of misc requests, feel free to take your time since I understand that you have quite a lot of work to do haha. If even one is satisfied I'm already in joy <E>:thanks:</E> :<br/> <br/> 1) Horsea, Ability: Swift Swim, Modest, x/20+/25+/25+/20+/20+ (shouldn't be too difficult relative to what you have accomplished so far :D)<br/> 2) Lotad, Ability: Swift Swim, Modest/Timid x/20+/23+/23+/20+/20+ (I know lotad is pretty difficult to find, so something close would be completely fine)<br/> 3) Phanpy, Ability: Pickup, Impish 20+/25+/15+/x/20+/25+<br/> 4) Swinub, Ability: Thick Fat, Adamant 25+/20+/25+/x/20+/20+ (Since it's HA, even if it's moderately close it's fine as long as the attack is good)<br/> 5) Togepi, Ability: Serene Grace, Timid/Bold/Calm x/20+/20+/20+/20+<br/> 6) Cleffa/Clefairy, Ability: Magic Guard, Bold/Calm, x/20+/15+/20+/25+/25+</r>
  11. Not quite sure what you're looking for... 200k+ms for now I guess just to give a somewhat reasonable offer.
  12. Re: Eldra's Bi-Weekly Auction and Mythical Showcase (Sold Jolly Nidorino) <r><QUOTE author="thantaimetmoi"><s> </e></QUOTE> Correct me if I'm wrong but you should be able to click the picture to maximize it. Starmie is timid 24 20 31 21 13 15, Politoed 29 25 08 31 24 25, and Machop 29 29 31 24 05 28.<br/> <QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> No problem, I will add some additional info later but since I'm not actively looking for offers on those and that I haven't really played in the last few month at all, some of the "best offers" would only serve as guidelines, but I agree.</r>
  13. Re: Eldra's Bi-Weekly Auction and Mythical Showcase (Sold Jolly Nidorino) <r><QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sorry, politoed was offered over 1mil and starmie close to 800k also. Thanks for your interests though.</r>
  14. Re: Eldra's Bi-Weekly Auction and Mythical Showcase <t>Jolly Nidorino sold for 600k</t>
  15. Re: Eldra's Bi-Weekly Auction and Mythical Showcase <r><QUOTE author="drasx12"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sorry, I've received an offer of over $1mil for her x)<br/> <br/> Thanks for checking em out though!</r>
  16. Re: Eldra's Bi-Weekly Auction and Mythical Showcase <t>Bump</t>
  17. Re: Nosafur's Pkmshop (Drapion & Togekiss) <t>350k togekiss</t>
  18. Re: Eldra's Bi-Weekly Auction and Mythical Showcase <t>bump</t>
  19. Leave offers below. Do note that naive (along with jolly and adamant) is an optimal nature and in fact may even be superior in breaking the skarmblisslax etc. Offers end either upon receipt of satisfactory offer. Not a bid unless it reaches a certain point but feel free to leave prices. Here are three good swinubs that follow, looking for a decent selling price. Guess min will start at 20k.
  20. Re: daycare!For mega cheap deals! johto and kanto place for 1 more pokemon! ^^ <t>Are you still training 50-100 30k?</t>
  21. Will try to post auction twice a week, starting in a smaller quantity as still not sure what to keep. Every auction will run for three days with no insta price, starting from a minimum price. Although not as application in this particular week, MS and 100c are accepted at market price (MS=130k, 100c = 220k). This particular batch will end on December 16, 2015 at 12pm EST. If towards the end of an auction no bid was made, it will simply go on to the next round. Here is this week's spotlight: min: 50k min: 30k min: 30k min: 80k End of Auction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Competitive Showcase The Pokemon below are not part of the auction and are most likely NFS unless with overpaying. If you dare have the courage to make an offer, please do prepare for a turn-down unless overpaying. Of course, it's always worth a try :) Note: Some values are based on the offers received back in mid-October since I have not played for a while, and may not be valid anymore. At any case they simply serve as guidance and not what I'm looking for nor what I would accept, so consider them with a grain of salt if you would. "Valueless" simply means I value them to an extent that I would probably not sell for any reasonable price, most likely because they form a critical component of my team. If left blank it's because I have not offered them yet. 1. Shiny vulpix (1.5+mil) 2. Shiny Competitive HA Nidoran F (valueless) 3. Impish Umbreon (valueless) 4. Bold HA Politoed (1+mil) 5. Hasty Alakazam (800k) 6. Timid Alakazam (1.2mil+ms) 7. Adamant Swinub (valueless unless offered comparable alt+$) 8. Jolly Nidorino (Sold for 600k) 9. Adamant HA Machop (1mil) 10. Timid Gengar 11. Timid HA Starmie (600k+ms) 12. Naughty HA Kabuto (1.5mil) 13. Adamant Swinub 14. Bold Skarmory (200k) 15. Modest Charizard (500k) 16. Careful Duskull 17. Careful Venusaur 18. Bold Bagon (200k) 19. Bold Xatu :Angel: :thanks: :Angel:
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