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Everything posted by Eldra

  1. Best shinies are probably the OT Krabby, OT Nidoran f I caught in game all within about 10 hours of farming time. Between those two were a shiny abra (50% timid) which would have been my favorite of all but it ran away T~T. In terms of value, probably shiny vulpix and shiny voltorb. Two pikachu ffs ok. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
  2. Received my staryu back, really quick service despite the periodic crashes yesterday. Thanks Silver and maybe we'll have another deal soon!
  3. Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout <t>Really sorry guys, charizard sold in game to a friend. Good luck hunting!</t>
  4. Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (21/28/30/19/24/24 Modest Charizard) <r><QUOTE author="Seibuza"><s> </e></QUOTE> No thank you :)</r>
  5. Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (21/28/30/19/24/24 Modest Charizard) <t>bump</t>
  6. If formal competitive play is implemented, there would be a spontaneous change in the metagame as more tm moves get added and as hoenn (soon, supposedly) gets implemented. Many originally competitive pokemon currently are not effective solely due to the lack of tms/move tutors supporting their signature moves (e.g. calm mind, sword dance, stone edge), while others are dominating in the metagame because their counters have yet to receive the proper weapons. That said, should be interesting to see changes in a month or two.
  7. IGN: Eldra Pokemon: Staryu 1st EVs: 252 speed 2nd EV: 252 spa
  8. Thank you, appreciate your explanation.
  9. Yo Silver let me know if you could help me with my naughty kabuto. Since I need a poke to lead myself thru e4 anyway, might as well train my kabutops up. It's gonna have a unique ev distribution, mostly speed and attack, some in hp. I'll let you know more about the details when we get on. Also, gonna give you some moves that I'd like to learn as it levels. Thanks bro! Edit: Seems like Stone Edge, Rockslide, and SD haven't been implemented yet. Might have to wait till it does to use it. Will talk later in game :)
  10. I have a question regarding dream world abilities that manifests upon evolution, e.g. politoed's drizzle. Does anyone know what the structure or mechanics is for a poliwag (which either has damp or water absorb), to turn into a politoed with drizzle? Is it a 50/50 chance or is it only limited to a particular ability, e.g. water absorb?
  11. 1. FMA:B 2. Steins Gate 3. Fate/Stay Night UBW (still inferior to the VN tho) 4. Fate Zero 5. Haikyuu (a pleasant surprise) 6. Code Geass R2 7. Toradora 8. Psycho Pass 9. SnK maybe 10. Nisekoi S1
  12. Lol is he still selling?
  13. Current B/O 225k, selling in half an hour in game
  14. Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (26/17/28/31/28/31 timid gastly, sold for 275k) <r><QUOTE author="barney"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Chau"><s> </e></QUOTE> Staryu is Analytic (Hidden Ability), Timid 24/20/31/21/13/15. Highest offer I've received for it was 350k. And after careful consideration I've decided to reserve it for my friend to use. Sincerest apology for the inconvenience and will inform you two first when I find another 31 speed 20+ SATK Analytic.<br/> <br/> Staryu removed, along with few shinies used to trade for charizard.<br/> <br/> <br/> Update: Gastly sold to xhunterx for 275k.</r>
  15. Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (26/17/28/31/28/31 timid gastly, looking to sell by tomorrow) <r><QUOTE author="barney"><s> </e></QUOTE> Noted. If I don't get a higher offer by tonight EST, it's yours.<br/> <QUOTE author="Chau"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure np</r>
  16. Check out mine, 28 speed 31 satk with great defensive ivs. Nvm sold, thank you.
  17. Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Shiny Abra ran away; Added Shiny Ursaring; Modest Charizard (Ready for Y) <t>quick bump</t>
  18. I have come to noticed that both on forums and in the game (particularly), the word "epic" to describe a certain Pokemon one is buying/selling has become a plague. First, a disclaimer that I am not particularly against any individual/group by doing so, but the word "epic" is simply a spammable word that is not specific, measurable and, to be honest, meaningful/objective. An epic pokemon to one may be an average one to another, vice versa. Of course, one could reasonably set up a definite for what the word mean, e.g. all relevant IVs 20+, main IVs 25+/31, but still then it'd be counterproductive and counterintuitive. When most of our newest forum threads (five out of six) include the word "epic" as a eye-catching tease, we have a problem. It's even more so of a problem in-game when 95% of all so-called "epic" pokemon are, in my very humble opinion and also others whom I know, nowhere near the "epic" status it entails (e.g. wrong nature, terrible ivs). Thus, unless the behaviors of these players change any time soon, I suggest that we ban the word "epic" and other resulting derivatives henceforth to promote a much more constructive and productive environment. P.S. Also noticed on forum that one particular player had made three separate threads to distinguish his buying and selling of "epic" pokemon, can we make it enforceable that a person who made multiple duplicated and unnecessary threads be given the option to only retain one?
  19. When you have two definite objectives, and you exploit one fully understanding its detriment to the other and now incur a cost for doing so, that doesn't quite sound like "smart management". Not everything can be served on a silver platter my friend, and you should be glad that there's at least an option to fix your mistakes.
  20. Re: Tiny Shop & Stuff~ <r><QUOTE author="Somes"><s> </e></QUOTE> Cuz its cute.. :D looks like a nut :D.. and it explodes :D :P jk<br/> Forretress is a good hazard setter in PvP.<br/> Bump<e> </e></QUOTE> This is probably off-topic, but it's interesting the lack of variety in comps that players are farming/buying for. True, snorlax, starmie, jolteon, vaporeon, gengar, scizor, blissey, and the dragons are go-to pokemon for OU regardless of how the metagame eventually turns out, but I'm sure once it actually arrives things would look completely different. At any case, just to be on topic, I'll be sure to contact you when some news about official tournaments begin to flow :)</r>
  21. Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Incomplete, Updated current comps section) <t>No problem, we got time xD<br/> <br/> <br/> Edit: Shiny Electrode sold for 3ms + 150k. Thanks a lot Icey ;)<br/> God of Toxic Spikes added, this one I'm 95% certain that I won't be selling, since it's beyond usable even as a normal poke with perfect nature, perfect ivs to set up toxic spikes/stealth rock/eq/poison STAB. Helloooo UU!</t>
  22. Imho last season was pretty bad. Charlotte had great potentials, turned out to have, as one had called it, "more holes than a swiss chess". God Eater, yeah don't even get me started on that. Rokka no Yusha was controversial due to its niche nature, but personally I loved it and, although most likely not happening, want to see a sequel at some point. Overlord was alright, true to its LN source aside from its poor budget/production value and inconsistent storytelling. GATE was fine, still not sure how I feel about the moefication, but god damn Ruri is hot (excuse the "lolli" she's supposed to be like 500 years old) The fanservice shows mostly achieved what it's meant to do. This season I'm looking forward to: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Fisted Orphans - Great first episode imo although not quite original (I mean what really is original at this point). Haikyuu S2: Almost forgot how enjoyable and uplifting the season one was, definitely among my potential AOTS. One Punch Man: 'Nuff said, SAITAMA-SAMA! Owari no Seraph S2: Personally disliked the first season for its edgyness and complete lack of originality, but here to see the much-needed improvement in the S2 since one of my friend insisted that it gets better. At least it's better than Aldnoah Zero. Noragami S2/Bishamon Arc: Show has interesting characters and great execution, would have been much better if it weren't for them focusing most of the first season on a silly conflict. Bishamon arc sounds dark and, uh, entertaining. Probably gonna pick up a few more as it unveils itself.
  23. Anyone know how often does a dig spot return to its original state, viz. "diggable"? I think that'd come as a great addition since some new players may believe that it is a one-time thing.
  24. Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Incomplete, Updated current comps section) <r><QUOTE author="Icey"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sounds good! Hopefully this maintenance/crash won't take another 3-4 hours lol. Knock on wood</r>
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