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Everything posted by Alitiz

  1. Player name: alitiz Showdown name: ifidontkillhim Server: silver Rank on ladder: 15
  2. Hi. Starting offer is 250k and insta 400k. The auction ends in 24 hours.
  3. Ok so the winner is Fadoka. Thank you all. The thread can be locked.
  4. b.o. 650k from laman
  5. Wts this hp fire rotom. Starting offer is 600k and insta 1.2m. The auctions will end in 48 hours from now or whenever i decide that one offer is good. Thank you.
  6. Count me in. GL.
  7. Hi. Starting price for tyranitar is 600k. Insta price 1.2m. The auction will end in 2 days from now. If i dont like the best offer i can keep the pokemon and stop the auction.
  8. sold in game
  9. 3.2 m
  10. 2.7 for akalazam
  11. Hi. Starting price is 2.7m. Insta 3.2m. You can message me in-game too.
  12. NICE!! Amazing shinies count me in gl!
  13. PRO Username: alitiz Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? i have tried every thing restart,re download 32 and 64 bit everything the same mesage apears "user already logged in" what sould i do? Description and Message
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