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About Tasin

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  1. So: 2m min bid: 200k co: ends 48 hours after first bid accept cc 350k no insta
      • 1
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  2. Start offer: 1.5m min bid: 200k Ends 3 days after first bid accept pokedoller, cc-360k , rr -660k sold to c0mp 7.4m
  3. I was in top 25 in random ladder last season ... saw myself in dashboard ladder after the maintance had started...but did not recieve 100 pvp coin bonus . Im not sure what else info should i provide here...i cant make sure if i was out of ladder at the last moment but the dashboard showed me on ladder ...
  4. new update patch failed. windows 11 patcherError.txt
  5. that should've been mentioned in the forum guide another waste of time ......well thanks anyway
  6. I'm not sure if this is the right place to report it here . forgive me for any mistakes. So i started the mega medicham quest like a year ago . then when he said to bring me a medicham i used and old one which didn't work...so i got a new one caught after he said to bring me a medicham.then trained it , maxed it's happiness. it is my ot...but he says this here's my medicham let me know if I'm missing out any requirements
  7. for me the wishlist is 1. your rank if ur in ladder if ur in top 25 (unranked if below) 2. personal best rating 3. random battle rating 4. things that already exist (current rating, win-loses, friendly battle win-lose) thats all an off topic ....but imma say here cz its bout battle/pvp .... 1. a cancel button 2. current stats changes 3. enemy team preview which is in a window or somewhere but not in chat again, these are just my wishlist ...not like i'm demanding it hardly...it maybe stupid/too much to ask
  8. Username: Tasin Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Bangladesh/ +6 gmt
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