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Everything posted by Sixpacks

  1. Hello staff!! Recently I tried to get ghostium z crystal but even after winning 6 times with my mono ghost team I didn't get it at the end. Can a staff please check this? I don't remember having one before, so please check that as well. Thank you!! Looking forward for your reply.
  2. +1 to the idea. In addition, you can also add PvP berries to the reward list of the pvp NPC at saffron city.
  3. Ty for your help. I'll take care from next time.
  4. Sold. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  5. Alr meet you in vermilion
  6. @Zoruamican you please go through the auction once? I beleive according to the rules, @Mattepalla93should be the winner.
  7. @Mattepalla93 according to the rules you won the auction. Let me know when we can trade :))
  8. @SnappyWNL@Mattepalla93let staff decide who won. I guess I might have made a mistake with the last message. Sorry for the inconvenience
  9. Bump Only 20 min left
  10. Start offer: 800k min bid raise 100k Auction will last for 48h after the first bid Gl bidding :))
  11. Jellicent sold to and traded to the buyers alt account. Ty :))
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