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Everything posted by Bushez

  1. what status I need to train for good salamence adamant ? tnx
  2. Bushez

    Who is better ?

    you see bro I just started in johto so i want to buy one of them I dont have a team at all now so I want a strong pokemon
  3. you can show me pic ?
  4. roccus will you have a new pokemons in the near coming days?
  5. Bushez

    Who is better ?

    so you say scizor is better because of that reason?
  6. Bushez

    Who is better ?

    Who is better ???? plis need help from players who really know the game or tnx for your time.
  7. we cant see the pic
  8. I want to buy Poke lvl90-100 full EV train and good nuture for 100-110k if someone want plis leave a picture of the pokemon or write down its status
  9. Re: PokeDexy Shop (>^=^)> <r><QUOTE author="Dexy"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <br/> Mamoswine offer 100k</r>
  10. Re: Silver's Shop Good stat Starmie added <t>so you sell him only for 200k ?<br/> I dont get it what BO for</t>
  11. you can search here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=5249 but if you want I can sell you mine lvl 30 for 10k
  12. Re: Silver's Shop Good stat Starmie added <t>until when is the BO ?</t>
  13. Shiny Meowth leave a offer
  14. Re: Silver's Shop Good stat Starmie added <r><QUOTE author="Silver"><s> </e></QUOTE> You have BO for now<e> </e></QUOTE> sory bro but i dont know what it is "BO"</r>
  15. Re: Silver's Shop Good stat Starmie added <t>Starmie 100k</t>
  16. i want the Gengar 105k yes ?
  17. Salamence 70k if its too low sory for that Im very poor
  18. someone can give me pokemons lvl 80+ for the elite 4 and I will give them back if someone can help tnx.
  19. buy good Dragonite lvl 100 Adamant 50k
  20. its abug if you are looking in the forums you will see 10 topic like yours
  21. everyone have it bro it a big bug right now they need to fix it hope soon
  22. alot more like bro
  23. you have more machine in some other flors cheak them
  24. its a new bug happen to alot more
  25. gengar lvl 50+ with green Sp. Atk offer 20k
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