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Everything posted by Bushez

  1. 26spdef and 27 def for me its epic i dont know how u see pokemons It doesnt have any 30+ stat, and it has 3 hp. I wouldn't count that epic either.
  2. bump
  3. Re: Nosafur's Pkmshop Multiscale Dragonite up for sale <t>starting bid for drill?</t>
  4. make a screenshot of it and save the pokemon stats as a paint file. then go to www.imgur.com, upload it and post the link in here.
  5. youra, are u selling them separately or only together?
  6. still ain't worth 250k and u know it lol dont go fooling people around
  7. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=9841&p=61113
  8. Bump
  9. Well, so fat I didn't get real offers..
  10. Re: EPIC SCYTHER!!! <Impel Down Store> <t>thx mate</t>
  11. Hello, and welcome to the Epic Pinecos shop. Before placing a bid, please note that: 1. These are up for the best offers, if I choose to set an instant price then I'll inform you here. 2. I keep the right to not take offers that I believe are too low. 3. I keep the right to retreat from the auction if I choose not to sell a Pineco eventually. Pineco 1 Pineco 2 Pineco 3 Pineco 4
  12. every time when the server crash and im in battle it return me to the center please stop that i want to stay where i was not in the center or fix this server crash please
  13. wtf is happening?
  14. where is the best place to find Staryu ?? if someone have good place please share tnx.
  15. Lol. Its' stats are OK, but with a wrong nature u can't call that epic. It needs to be bold..
  16. Really? And you truely believe that a person that works his arse off for over 3 days to make these 300k should be equally rewarded as someone who has more money to waste and pays 5$ for it? That's an IDIOTIC statement. This inflation started BECAUSE of people thinking the foolish way that you do.
  17. Re: [Epic Nincada added] JackQwerty Shop <t>1m electivire</t>
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