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Everything posted by Bushez

  1. Hey. I noticed a while ago that the Move Buffet can't re-teach Arcanine the moves Outrage and Flare Blitz. This is very outrageous, as Arcanine is based on these moves, and growlithe DOES learn them just by lvling up. In addition, these moves CAN be relearned in the official games, so.. Thanks in advance (if you're willing to fix this) :D
  2. Thanks for the mechanics explanation. Although nobody asked for it. OP nice outplay mate :)
  3. so i have Kangaskhan with Scrappy ability and I ev train him atk/hp 252 and i dont know what good moveset for him if someone can advice me plis do
  4. Who posted this? I'd understand if it was an admin, otherwise..
  5. Edited, now full ev'd (not in picture, but in reality)
  7. LOL DotA2 is original? The DotA2 owners SAY they're the original DotA creators, just as the LoL creators do. But, the fact that LoL came about 2~3 years before DotA2 means that the originality of a sole-engine moba game was originally Riot Games' idea. The only 'more similar' thing that DotA2 has to do with DotA (over LoL, and expect the name) is the imbalance, that whoever reaches lv6 first wins.
  8. Thanks for the info. Yet, if you aren't interested or willing to offer, don't spam in here.
  9. Make an offer. Edit: The pal is now full ev trained, atk&spd.
  10. it IS the best nature *FOR SOLAR POWER*. meanwhile a jolly blaze one is MUCH better than a timid solar. In addition, chariX>chariY by far, and there is no Y stone so even a 31/31timid would be nothing good as a chariX.
  11. who taught you that? XD who taught you that? XD then what is the best nature ? jolly
  12. Re: CuteP's Shop !!! (Added ralts/snorlax/charmander) <t>80k shiny butterfree<br/> 30k dragonair</t>
  13. Blaze. This is a female Ralts. It can't evolve into a Gallade..
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