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Everything posted by Bushez

  1. King's Rock works now ? it do the 10% flinch ??
  2. Re: Xaphiar's Shop [services, Pvp pokes, Shiny pokes, Pokes] New: Reopened! <r><QUOTE author="Xaphiar"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok lets see. <br/> This post where I sell shinies and pokes doesn't belong into the thread selling pokes?<br/> Its also time bound so would I countdown a personal shop.<e> </e></QUOTE> Did you even read the rules?<br/> More than 4 pokes in one thread - not in this forum.<br/> It was just a friendly reminder so u could ask a mod to move this, but u proved urself to be either very stupid, as the rules thread is very easy to read and understand, or just posting with no care about the rules and then even arguing about them.</r>
  3. anyone else? gonna close this in a few hrs
  4. Re: WTS Shiny Umbreon and other pvp rdy Epic Pokes! <t>This post doesn't belong into this forum, it belongs in personal shops.<br/> Not to mention you're selling shinies..</t>
  5. thank you
  6. you didnt answer my question but tnx any way
  7. when i use Calculator to find the HP i need to calculate the nature as well ? or only the IVs tnx
  8. 3m starmie 3.5 Blissey
  9. Where i can catch Klefki ?
  11. Hello. I am willing to sell this: Starting bid would be 1M Instant price is 3M Auction will end 48 hours after the first proper bid. Thanks.
  12. Re: [Auction] Ferroseed epic relaxed, BO 2m5 <t>I call insta (4m). PM me in-game/forum when u're here. Thanks.</t>
  13. Re: Ferrosed Epic relaxed , Looking for best offer <t>1m...</t>
  14. Re: WTS epic ferrothorn all 20+ 08 spd relaxed/epic hippopotas/ decent sand rush drilbur/ epic adment dusknoir <t>1.2m ferro</t>
  15. Bushez

    Double KO in PVP

    In a case where you suicide and both players' last pokemon faint at once, they both lose pvp points.
  16. Bushez


    someone can tell me when he will return to be a wild pokemon ??
  17. thank you all
  18. i can use both in pvp in one battle ???
  19. the ability works now ??
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