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Everything posted by Bushez

  1. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <t>B.o updated</t>
  2. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <t>Updated B.O</t>
  3. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <t>B.o updated, 1.9M by Cruzg.</t>
  4. 270 Mamo
  5. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <t>Just go away if u don't like to bid. I have already set a time limit, so it's gonna be sold either way in 25hrs.</t>
  6. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <t>Yeah. 48hrs from now I'll stop taking any offers.</t>
  7. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <t>Bump, B.O updated.</t>
  8. [glow=red]SOLD[/glow]
  9. U have to catch a magnemite with the right IV-distribution. There are Hidden power calculators in the web, just enter your magnemites IVs to find out which hidden power it has. you can give me a link please ?
  10. and how i can make it so it will be fire attack ?
  11. someone can explain to me what is that ? because people talk about that all the time and i dont get it
  12. Re: Sell: Aggron,Electitrive,Golurk <t>Aggron 400k</t>
  13. Australia! Countryside but we have a mail! My fav pokemon is Slaking (LAZYASS) And I could really use a headset because I simply don't have one and can't afford it at the moment... Thanks! :)
  14. Re: UPDATED 02/09/16 | SiTzei's Market Place <t>Machamp 300k</t>
  15. Re: [ON AUCTION] Probably the BEST BLISSEY on SERVER! <r><QUOTE author="bushez"><s> </e></QUOTE> Retreiving this one, going back to 6.2m (the user that got past me was banned...)</r>
  16. Re: [ON AUCTION] Probably the BEST BLISSEY on SERVER! <t>
  17. 3m...
  18. 2m...
  19. Re: [ON AUCTION] Probably the BEST BLISSEY on SERVER! <t>6,2m blis</t>
  20. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>no one respond to my msg ? :(</t>
  21. next time leave the offer more then a hour lol i could have gived you 7-8m for that one
  22. Re: Probably the BEST BLISSEY on SERVER & other EPIC POKES <t>5,5m Blis</t>
  23. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <r><EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Name / In Game name -bushez-<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Hours played - 814h-<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Where are you from ? - israel-<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? when i'm not working :P<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ? to tell you the true I wanted to join because you do cool events but i want to join because i serach for a good guild and yours looks good :D</r>
  24. Re: Sabrilemarocain Big insta shop {pvp ready and futur pvp pokes} <t>the hax sold ???</t>
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