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Everything posted by Bushez

  1. Re: wts epic umbreon calm <t>300k...</t>
  2. to get there i need to finish first kanto and johto or i can only finish kanto and go there ? thank.
  3. if someone trade with me pokemons is like I "catch" them in the Pokédex ???
  4. i need to have 240 catch or seen ???
  5. ok tnx man
  6. how i get to Ruin Valley i dont know where it is
  7. i saw some players that teach iron tail to Haxorus but i cant find the tm where i can find it ??
  8. offer please start bid 300k
  9. Re: UPDATED - Insta Price Added - Only High IV - SiTzei's Market Place <t>i start 600k Milotic (if its to low you can ignore this msg)</t>
  10. offer start bid 500k Sold to : AbyssConduit for 900k
  11. Re: Diabo123's Shop insta only <r><QUOTE author="diabo123"><s> </e></QUOTE> i can start bo for Sableye 3m (if you do bo)</r>
  12. Re: UPDATED - Insta Price Added - Only High IV - SiTzei's Market Place <t>i can start bo for ? Milotic</t>
  13. so i finish E4 in hoenn but i still cant use the train in the centers
  14. where i can re learn moves in hoenn ???
  15. if i lose to Deoxys what happen ? i need to go back to fight him again ??
  16. Re: CrowTele13 SHOP [Epic PVP Pokes , Mounts & Others] <t>I offer 1.5m for Gallade</t>
  17. WTB Hoenn pokemon 90+ cheap i can offer 50k-80k
  18. where to put EV points ??
  19. where is the pokemon lol :P
  20. Re: Only competitive pokemons shop <r><QUOTE author="sabrilemarocain"><s> </e></QUOTE> No sorry to low.<e> </e></QUOTE> dusk still for sell ?<br/> if can how much you want ?</r>
  21. someone sell one ? I buy from 250-300
  22. what is the price now for MS in the game (no real money)
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