Smartest: Pandattack
Friendliest: Reckoning66
Funniest: Jackyetmichou69
Coolest: Asuna83
Comeback Player of the Year: Pikachu85
Most Talkative: Samumu
Most Trustworthy: Topfury
Most Helpful: Liyaine
Most Missed: Yelodash
Most Influential: Fatmanclt
Most Intriguing: Gtazz
Best GM: Neroli
Best CC: Calahan
Best MOD: Koujaku
Best CS: Artoriel
Best Artist: Sirmeowington
Best Mapper: Tiggus
Most Professional Staff: Mapple
Most Friendly Staff: Neroli
Most Dedicated Staff: Calahan
Most Honorable Former Staff:
WTS epic florges
<r><IMG src=""><s></e></IMG><br/>
so i restart the auction...<br/>
start bid : 1m<br/>
end auction 3days from the first bid<br/>
i can cancel if the last bid is not high enough<br/>
good luck ! :)</r>
WTS Epic Florges
<r><IMG src=""><s></e></IMG><br/>
start bid : 1m<br/>
end auction 3days from the first bid<br/>
i can cancel if the last bid is not high enough<br/>
good luck ! :)</r>