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Aienma last won the day on May 15 2021

Aienma had the most liked content!


About Aienma

  • Birthday 08/06/1996

Personal Information

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    @🏆Regular P.✨#6587
  • Career
    no game no life
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  • Occupation
    no game no life

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Advanced Trainer

Advanced Trainer (4/12)



  1. Did that guy just outbid himself lmao whatever I bid 20m I'm poor btw
  2. Wtf I forgot the auction bruhhhh xd
  3. 12m I'm super poor fr
  4. 10m magne I'm poor
  5. The most stupid rules is adding time when someone bid last minute of the almost end of the auction.. they say it's against the sniper.. which is true .. but.. it should be optional. .. because really the one who's really affected by this .. is the auctioneer.. he will loss money ... Which is none of your business. .. if I'm lazy enough not to worried about time and just get over with ... Why bother me with this rules.. I'm the one losing money so why bother me with this rule.. again very stupid rule.. just make it optional..
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