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  1. Is there only one correct path that lead to the treasure room? If yes, can someone show me the path.
  2. May I know where is the Mt summer exterior 2 , I manage to find mt summer exterior only. Where do I miss?
  3. Hi, just want to know how can I get party hat, goth clothes and summer clothes. Is it Boss reward or something else?
  4. Pm me ingames ty
  5. Fight Naeroli today, got different combination of pokemon
  6. so, mimikyu outfit can get from halloween box or buy from shop basically?
  7. May I know the exact number of items that i can get from opening the halloween mystery box? I read this post : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/%E2%98%85-clothing-and-mounts-showcase%E2%8E%AAupdated-%E2%98%85.88635/. At the halloween mystery section show mimikyu outfit as well. Is that mean mimikyu outfit can get from it also or no. And also the chance of getting each content? I saw in trade chat someone sold ghost outfit 15 250k but ghost outfit like 1, 2, 10 were only like 50k . Why ?
  8. 2nd place will get two pve coins
  9. Anyone interested to sell me message me here or on me in game
  10. Willing to buy Bamboo , Bun , Burger , Candy Apple , Cookies , Dumpling , Lollipop 50k each
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